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Highlighting Our Translators Around the World
GoStrategic is blessed to work with numerous language translators in our mission to spread the message of the Kingdom around the globe. These partners carry the very important role of transferring the spirit and meaning of our materials into the context of other languages and cultures.
We currently have translation teams rendering GoStrategic’s books and teachings into the languages of Azerbaijani, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. We are excited to highlight three of these translators from around the world for a glimpse into their experiences!
In these written interviews, we asked them to share about who they are, their story of connection with GoStrategic, the impact of the materials, concepts, and translation experience, and some unique facts about their respective countries.

Marjorie Smith Zago from Brazil: Portuguese & Spanish Translator
I currently reside in London, UK. Although I am originally from Brazil, I spent portions of my childhood in Spain and England. I have a BSc in Biomedical Sciences from a university in London and majored in Worship and Marketplace Leadership at Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas. I moved back to England in 2017 and was married in 2019—interestingly to a Brazilian who has also lived in both Spain and England!
I was connected to GoStrategic through my teacher at CFNI, Dr. Gerald Chester, who invited students to the 2017 Transforum. The event was a transformational experience for me and my friends! I registered for GoLife at the event and graduated in 2019.
Through my experience in the school, I carry many of the GoLife principles with me. For example, “Practice Makes Permanent,” has been a liberating truth! It helped me understand that practicing biblical principles may be painful at first because they need to be consistently repeated until they become a reflex. It allowed me to comprehend and accept that I will not get it right every time (perfect), but it can be established in the core of who I am (permanent), so even when I fail, the strong memory of such practice remains.
A couple years ago, I was contacted by GoStrategic’s Executive Director, Katherine Gallagher, concerning assistance with translation for Spanish and Portuguese, and I gladly joined the team. Through that experience, I learned more about team work! I am used to working on my own, so translating and having my work reviewed has been humbling. The experience cut through the unhealthy perfectionism I had at the time. Thankfully, the Lord showed me this, so I gladly went through the pain of being transformed in that area.
A unique fact about Brazil is that it is incredibly ethnically diverse. Even though it was colonized by the Portuguese, there has been a great immigration from Africa, Italy, Germany, Japan, Lebanon, Eastern European countries, and the United States. In Rio de Janeiro and the northern part of Brazil, you will find many afro-descendants; in São Paulo, there are many Italian, Japanese, Korean, and Lebanese communities, while the southern part is considered the “Brazilian Europe.” I am a descendant of Portuguese, Italian (my surname, Zago), and Americans (my other surname is Smith). This culturally translates into a richness of traditions with amazingly diverse cuisine and culture, making Brazil extremely welcoming.
Nampoiniaina Sata Rabenasolo from Madagascar: French Translator

I live downtown in the capital city of Antananarivo, Madagascar. I have been married to my wife, Nathalie Rajaonarivony, for 26 years, and we have two sons and a daughter-in-law. I am currently self-employed, managing a small business that mainly provides translation services, as well as consulting. I also mentor/coach a few young adults, and I have recently taken on responsibilities with an international church.
I was connected to GoStrategic through Marc Stettler and Rivo & Morgane Radanielina when they started the GoBusiness school and Career Direct training in Madagascar in 2015—a divine appointment! I immediately knew “this was for me,” and I am now completing year two of the business school. I was already working as a professional translator when the call came for French translators, and I volunteered without hesitation. I am glad to be part of this global movement, even if I humbly work in the back office supporting the language-related activities.
I am amazed with the teachings on worldview, paradigms, and presuppositions, and I still seek to fathom these concepts fully. Many of the topics of the 12 Master Principles also impacted me greatly. I was honored to provide translation to Dennis Peacocke on two occasions when he spoke at our intensive seminar.
An interesting fact about Madagascar: You may have noticed we have very long names in our country! In fact, our former president (2013-2018) has the longest name of any president in world history: Hery Martial Rajaonarimampianina Rakotoarimanana.
Ayako Lawrence from Japan: Japanese Translator

My husband, Micah, and I pastor a home church in Japan. We homeschool our children which is very rare in our country. I am also involved with a newly born political party, and I am the lead of our local prefectural branch.
I became connected with GoStrategic through an association between my husband and a GoBusiness alumni.
Emma, Micah, Ayako & Lina
One of the materials I reviewed as part of my work on the translation team was Dennis Peacocke’s book, Doing Business God’s Way. The concepts in the book had a deep impact on me.
One of the key principles that stood out was that “God is building a family business,” and everything in our world is aimed at destroying the family unit. To have an impact in the political arena, we must recognize that even where the issue seems to be irrelevant to family matter, it all connects back to the family.
I am currently in the midst of a campaign to run for the senate. These teachings played a big part in my choice to run for office, and they will continue to be part of my journey to come.
Japan is a unique country consisting of 6,852 islands. The capital city of Tokyo is the world’s most populated metropolitan region at over 37 million residents, falling under the category of a “megacity.” Although Japan is known for being one of the most densely populated countries at 899 people per square mile, surprisingly, 67 percent of its land is steep, rugged forest and mountains.
Core Message Highlight: Problem-Solving

Power is Guarded by Problems is a well-known catechism for those familiar with the ministry of GoStrategic.
This simple phrase is a helpful mantra as we engage the inevitable challenges of life, both big and small. The world’s approach to problems is often avoidance and “How do we get out of this?” versus God’s perspective of embracing problems for growth and “How can we benefit from this?”
Problems are opportunities for change, creative thinking, character development, and sometimes even doorways to destiny as we see in many biblical accounts, such as that of Joseph and Esther.
Problems produce pressure which reveals our place in the maturing process. God wants to give us good things, but in His love and wisdom, He always does so in a way that produces growth and maturity. How we respond to problems not only matures us but can serve as encouragement and inspiration to others. Because God’s approach to problems is so contrary to the world’s, sharing His perspective and the evidence of its application in our lives presents incredible opportunities for evangelism.

GoStrategic’s Schools delve deeply into these concepts and tools. We learn that effective problem-solving involves:
- Discerning relevant questions and concepts
- Identifying the origin and nature of the problem: relational vs. executional vs. conceptual (or any combination of these)
- The application of godly principles
Problem-solving plays a vital role in our responsibility as leaders and our various spheres of relational influence—from families, friends, and neighbors to our communities, cities, and nations. Learning how to leverage life’s challenges produces both relational and systemic growth. What a powerful revelation to realize that God uses these circumstance not to hold us back but as the very impetus for our refinement and advancement!
For more insight into problem-solving, we invite you to watch these short videos from GoStrategic Founder, Dennis Peacocke, and Executive Director, Katherine Gallagher:
Your prayers are appreciated for:
- Publishing of the Russian translation of Doing Business God’s Way and new distribution channels in that region
- Translation of the GoLife curriculum into Spanish
- Formation of the School of Kingdom Citizenship and wisdom for the curriculum development team
- Prayer covering over GoStrategics’s staff, board, school facilitators, and students in the US and abroad
Thank you for your faithful prayers and support!