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Washington, DC Report

Recently, Dennis Peacocke and several leaders connected to the ministry of GoStrategic traveled to Washington, DC to strategically engage with various individuals, sector leaders, and elected officials. Among the bevy of meetings were two events of particular note.
Firstly, was the National Gathering for Prayer & Repentance, an invitational prayer assembly attended by some five hundred guests, including dozens of leaders from Congress. Dennis reflects, “It was one of the most unique public prayer meetings I have ever been to. It was mature, deep, nonpolitical, and hopefully opened a new level of possible prayer in the future.”
The second significant event took place with staff at the Family Research Council, a key national hub for Christian activists making a positive impact amid the broader decline in morals, ethics, and logic within our culture. Dennis was honored to share insights on The 12 Master Principles, worldview, and jurisdictions.
This fruitful trip was a wonderful opportunity for shared inspiration and relational connectedness with like-minded leaders.
New Podcast Episode with Katherine & Dennis

Enjoy this new episode of the GoStrategic Podcast with Executive Director, Katherine Gallagher, and ministry founder, Dennis Peacocke, as they discuss their backgrounds in business, the importance of marketplace ministry, and the timeless principles in the book, Doing Business God’s Way (click here to view the book and study materials).
Core Message: Jurisdictions
While the word “jurisdiction” has its roots as a legal term, the concept is quite broad in its application, as it pertains to both how we live our lives and the subsequent effect this has on society. To understand jurisdictions is to understand the spheres of responsibility within our personal lives and the greater community. Since responsibility and, in turn, problem solving and justice, are essential parts of life, the concept of jurisdictions is universal. The Bible provides the framework for five primary jurisdictions (spheres of government or responsibility).
The 5 Jurisdictions of Government:
- Individual
- Family
- Church/Religious Institutions
- Commercial/Economic Marketplace
- Civil
These jurisdictional areas are connected and interdependent yet also independent. Rarely is there only one jurisdiction operating in any given situation. Each area carries its own set of rights and responsibilities and serves specific functions in our lives. These defined roles inherently give rise to limitations. Limitations, boundaries, and guidelines establish the framework of commitments which are essential for healthy relationships. As we have often said, “Love runs on rails.”
For many, “authority” and “government” are negative words; it is commonly perceived that authority is the antithesis to freedom. However, true freedom is walking in and understanding one’s rights and responsibilities as a human being and how that interacts with the community structures and the culture at large.
Every jurisdiction and realm of responsibility starts with the individual. True freedom is found in self-governance. If we fail to govern ourselves, a ripple effect of consequence radiates into society… Click here to continue reading article