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Report on the 2023 ARC Conference in London
By Katherine Gallagher

In late October, I had the privilege of attending the inaugural ARC Conference (click here for event highlights and to learn more about the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship). This invitation-only gathering of approximately 1500 leaders representing over 70 nations was designed to bring together “an international community with a vision for a better world where every citizen can prosper, contribute, and flourish.” Noted psychologist, author, and social commentator, Dr. Jordan Peterson, a member of the ARC Advisory Board, was a primary convener of the event. I was grateful for the opportunity to meet him, and I can attest that he genuinely loves people and has a heart to reshape the narrative in our culture.

Although it was not an explicitly Christian conference, the importance of Judeo-Christian values in Western Civilization was strongly identified. We heard from politicians, economists, pastors, writers, and numerous experts in their respective fields. The content presented was incredible and inspiring, but truly unique was the vast opportunity for networking. It was a remarkable assembly of industry leaders, ministry representatives, and high-level individuals from all over the world united with the mission to collaborate!
I was delighted to connect with key leaders from the Colson Center, Focus on the Family, ThinQ Media, Family Research Council, Summit Ministries and many more. And those were just the domestic connections! I also had the pleasure of meeting with leaders from numerous countries around Europe and, in particular, many African nations, as we look forward to hosting a Transforum event in South Africa in March 2024. I am packed with Zoom follow-up meetings for the next few months, and I believe these connections will bear significant fruit.
Other highlights included getting to meet Greg McKeown, the author of Essentialism (one of my favorite books), as well as the author of Apocalypse Never, Michael Shellenberger. Michael shared with me that his salvation moment actually came while writing that book just a few years ago! I also had several fun interactions with people who, after telling them about the ministry of GoStrategic, proceeded to ask if I’d ever heard of Dennis Peacocke; with a smile, I would, of course, answer “yes,” marveling at what a small world it can be. Throughout this experience, it was more than evident that the Lord is moving and drawing people together for His purposes. It was an honor to represent GoStrategic, and I look forward to the collaborations the Lord breathes into for this season. Your prayers are coveted and greatly appreciated!

Core Message: Transformational Leadership

A transformational leader is someone who has been and continues to be personally transformed into Christ-likeness and, in turn, stimulates transformation in their families and communities. The world would say that change happens from the top-down and outside-in. We believe change best begins with the individual and flows from the inside-out. As we are transformed on a personal level, it creates a ripple effect that extends into the other jurisdictions.
Through the transformative journey, our motives become more pure, and our desire to obey God becomes our priority. Through obedience, we can learn to master the disciplines of character and cultivate a genuine love for others. This is the process that qualifies us for leadership of God’s affairs.
Moving toward Transformation Is Moving toward God
We must move away from the narrow definition of a leader as someone who holds a certain title or place of influence and embrace the reality that the most effective leaders are individuals who have themselves gone through personal transformation and desire to see those changes take effect in those they lead. We all are leaders, most basically of ourselves through self-government, but also of others if we bear the role of a parent, business manager, church elder, band leader, etc.
Genuine transformation is holistic, people-driven, and leads others toward God. Most human-oriented change is motivated by the desire to be more “fulfilled” in some area of our lives: more “freedom,” more resources, more power, more recognition, more of what makes me feel better about myself. In contrast, biblical transformation is motivated by the desire to obey God and please Him. God and His purposes and pleasures are the engine driving our desire for change rather than mere self-fulfillment. God’s scorecard is not focused on “How much?” (money, fame, power), but rather, “Why?” and “For whom?”
To Lead Others into Transformation, You Must Be in Transformation Yourself
God, the ultimate leader, builds relationally and works through people. If Christians are to influence the culture, we must be people of substance with the capacity for personal change by virtue of dependence on the transformational power of Christ. Truly being salt and light means pursuing godly transformation in every season and circumstance!
For further teaching on the topic of leadership, we recommend the following 6-part MP3 series:
Katherine Interviews Dennis on the New Edition of
Winning the Battle for the Minds of Men
Watch this new video interview with GoStrategic Executive Director, Katherine Gallagher, and author, Dennis Peacocke, on the release of the newly revised edition of his book, Winning the Battle for the Minds of Men, its history, and timeless content.
Or listen to the above interview via Podcast: