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Global Roundup: A Report From Our Virtual Event
We hosted our first ever Global Virtual Transforum Event at the beginning of September 2022. This event brought together over 140 participants from over a dozen different countries around the world. Our audience was truly global with 60% of our attendees participating from Europe and Africa, 15% from Latin America, and 25% from the United States and Canada.
It was a wonderful time packed with succinct, relevant teachings from three keynote speakers, Dennis Peacocke, Dr. Simon Mould, and Katherine Gallagher, plus a unique message for each region with special speakers, Marc Stettler and Bruce Billington. The overarching theme for this Transforum was Worldview as Lifestyle: The Battle for Incarnation.
As with in-person events, a key goal of our time together online was making connections. Discussion-group breakouts brought guests together within time-zone regions, enabling communication between the participants and an opportunity to begin processing the teachings. The event also featured a special Global Meetup. This merging of groups from the two primary time zones united attendees in the Americas with those from Europe and Africa. We closed with prayer and communion, sealing the spirit of the event.
Transforum Speaker Highlights
Topic: Worldview Mentality
By Marc Stettler, YWAM Burtigny Business Networks Director & CrownLife Regional Director

Topic: The Warfare of Worldview
By Dennis Peacocke, GoStrategic Founder

Topic: Leading a Recovery in a Knowledge Economy Recession
By Dr. Simon Mould, Bridgepoint Forum Director

Topic: Worldview and Relationships
By Katherine Gallagher, GoStrategic Executive Director

Topic: Expressing the Kingdom in Today’s World
By Bruce Billington, GoStrategic International Schools Relational Director