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GoStrategic Newsletter: Fall 2019

2019 Statesmen Event

As the ministry of GoStrategic gets deeper into the process of discipling nations, we continue to look for cultural and governmental leaders who are in positions of influence. Within the last year, we have strengthened The Statesmen Project’s Focus Groups while identifying and inviting specific leaders from more than 40 nations where we work. This year’s Statesmen Event, Discipling the Nations, was a venue for sharing needs, solutions, and networking to strengthen the works being done. There were 23 nations represented in the gathering of over 200 people, almost double last year’s attendance.

Dr. Mark Beliles, Marc Nuttle, Dennis Peacocke, Dr. Lance Wallnau, Dr. Joseph Mattera, and Dr. John Kelly at the 2019 Statesmen Event in Dallas, Texas

As the ministry of GoStrategic gets deeper into the process of discipling nations, we continue to look for cultural and governmental leaders who are in positions of influence. Within the last year, we have strengthened The Statesmen Project’s Focus Groups while identifying and inviting specific leaders from more than 40 nations where we work. This year’s Statesmen Event, Discipling the Nations, was a venue for sharing needs, solutions, and networking to strengthen the works being done. There were 23 nations represented in the gathering of over 200 people, almost double last year’s attendance.

These participants recognize our responsibility as Christians to bring Kingdom perspectives into our daily lives and the cultures of our communities. They share the goal of reviving Christian values in each of the spheres of social life in the nations, a concept commonly referred to as the “Seven Mountains.”

The Statesmen Project currently has four Focus Groups to help affect such change in the various “mountains” or spheres of influence. Each has prepared materials and recognized people able to minister on their focus.

The Statesmen Project’s Focus Groups:

  1. Ekklesia Prayer
  2. Citizen Education
  3. Community Action Councils
  4. Public Policy (current focus on immigration policy)

This year, we saw synergy around very diverse projects. God created a big, diverse world. Common needs defined biblically while being filled through the many nations and ethnicities create a synergy proving our God is a Big, Big God!

This diversity could be seen across the plenaries and their subjects, all of which gave dimensionality and cohesion to the theme, Discipling the Nations. The following is a recap of the recorded sessions which will soon be available at www.gostrategic.org/store.

Statesmen Founder, Dennis Peacocke

The Apostolic Prophetic Perspective by Dennis Peacocke. In the opening session, Dennis shared, “Man is civilized as he is exposed to the Word of God.” He listed how Western civilization has been a progression of more and more Christlike perspectives. However, there is a current strong pushback from our enemy seeking to “steal, kill, and destroy” what the West has brought to humanity. We are now on the battlefield.

Strategic Prayer Consultant and Statesmen Prayer Focus Group Leader, Dr. Patti Amsden

Dealing with Spiritual Princes by Dr. Patti Amsden. This dynamic session was a playbook for prayer warriors committed to holding fast in the battle Dennis previously described. As Dr. Amsden spoke on Ephesians 6:10-12 and 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, she noted that “host” or “armies” of the Lord are terms used over 250 times in the Bible. The ekklesia is a governing/legislative body that can use heavenly realities as the blueprint for earthly declarations and activities. Her teaching was packed with detail and insight on the council of God and our ability as saints on earth to participate in its work.

City Strategist, Reverend Charles Flowers

The Battle for our Cities by Reverend Charles Flowers. Reverend Flowers talked of black, white, and brown participating in a “perpetual pattern of public persuasion.” The church needs to be the dominate culture and take up its role of training and support of those called to the other mountains of cultural emphasis. Remember, many gatekeepers are already Christians! Systems sweep up people en masse. Our individual evangelism needs to sweep up the saved in its system. From decision onward, everything is Christ’s. Evangelism is the fruit of compassion for your city.

Statesmen Leader and Global Consultant, Attorney Marc Nuttle

China, Russia, and the United States by Marc Nuttle. In his session, Mr. Nuttle brought insight and depth of understanding to a set of global economic issues. His presentation included timelines of history that brought context and organization to this expansive subject. In light of all that is going on in the world, he encouraged us to consider the transcendent question, “Do we go to the King or to God?”

Statesmen Public Policy Focus Group Leader, Uli Kortsch, and Convening Apostle of the International Council of Apostolic Leaders, Dr. John Kelly

The Apostolic Shift by Dr. John Kelly. The sons of God are to be led by the Spirit of God. In an adversarial world, he stressed that gatekeepers need to reason together and discuss public issues so we can leaven the lump of culture and not just lead with our chins. The organized church itself is growing but not affecting the culture it is to leaven. The need is to train our officers first!

Global Strategist & Bestselling Author, Dr. Lance Wallnau

The Gathering of Networks by Dr. Lance Wallnau. Dr. Wallnau reminded us that the picture of the Seven Mountains of culture was originally given to the leaders of the three largest youth movements in the world at a meeting they had together. They were willing to give recognition to one another, thus releasing ego to make something bigger. He also pointed out that in Acts 15:6, the decision came after MUCH dispute. A diversity of viewpoints sharpens one another. Hearing is an important step in recognizing the need for change.

The various reports and panels featured between the plenaries and breakout meetings were particularly pertinent to current situations. During the closing session, each of the Focus Groups gave presentations, followed by final words on the vision for 2020 by Dr. John Kelly and Dennis Peacocke.

During the event and in subsequent communications, there was robust affirmation and gratitude, especially from first-time international participants in attendance. Initially, the plan was for “Phase 1”to activate in the United States. The Holy Spirit has already initiated “Phase 2” in other nations with an emphasis on Latin America, Africa, and Asia.

Dr. Doug Stringer, Pastors Susan & Terry Moore, and Dennis Peacocke

The event was also an opportunity for Dr. Doug Stringer (Somebody Cares Founder) and Dennis Peacocke to present an award to Terry and Susan Moore, Pastors of host church, Sojourn. The award is called the Golden Towel Award: Reflecting Christ by Serving Others, inspired by Proverbs 14:25 which states, “A faithful witness delivers souls.” As Doug explains on his website, “A core value of our ministry continues to be honoring those who labor among us. We recognize that it is the community leaders, pastors, and servants of the Lord who make the impact possible.” We thank the Moores and Sojourn Church for their vision and many years of investment in Kingdom outreach, including their ongoing support of The Statesmen Project and numerous other international ministries.

SAVE THE DATE: If you would like to attend the 2020 Statesmen Event in Dallas, Texas, hosted collaboratively with ICAL, please mark your calendars for October 26-30, 2020. We hope to see you there!

Building Leadership in Each Nation
From the Bottom Up and Inside Out

Matthew 28:19, “Go ye therefore, and teach all ethnos (nations or people groups)…” It is from this context that GoStrategic has taken up the mission to teach the word in all its ethnos. There are two parts to this:

  • Our schools: With students around the world, the equipping of local leadership for affiliate schools and for someone to provide oversight and support for these schools is crucial. We are blessed to have Bruce Billington willing to take this responsibility for Asia and Africa. Now, we need those with the vision and heart to provide financial support for him to continue this work. Soon, we will also need someone for this same role in Latin America. Provision for travel expenses is crucial to this mission. Internet connections are wonderfully useful, but in-person contact is also necessary; the development of regional leadership is jump-started with onsite visits. With such far-flung nations, many of which are very poor, it is often impossible for them to come to us. Funding goal to support Bruce Billington’s role in the schools and travel expenses for the next 12 months: $23,000
  • Curriculum translation into multiple languages: We have wonderful volunteers on our various language translation teams who have graduated from the schools themselves, typically in English, and are able to evaluate and fine-tune our translations so they maintain the heart and intention of the originals. But as the translation process is very time intensive and few can donate all the time that is needed, we must use translation software as a first step before we hand over the work to our translation committees to do the refining and cultural adjustments that the software alone cannot do. Funding is needed for these initial translations. Currently, Spanish translations projects have the greatest unmet need for financial support. Funding goal for GoLife Spanish Translation: $16,000

These two areas are foremost in the growth needs of GoStrategic. 2019 fundraising efforts have not yet met the budgetary needs for the year. Can you help with this current need? Would you consider donating for the first time or increasing your current giving? Whatever amount you can give, your partnership will be appreciated by many around the world!

Doing Business God’s Way South Africa

Join master teacher, GoBusiness mentor, and international ambassador for GoStrategic, Bruce Billington, on October 25, 2019 as he shares in Welkom, South Africa on “Doing Business God’s Way.” This seminar will address the master principles upon which businesses are to be built, a Godly perspective to commerce and relationship, and the Bible’s approach to Kingdom business. Attendance of this event counts as an Intensive for those who enroll in the School of Business Leadership (GoBusiness).

School Registration Open Now!

Your prayers are appreciated for:

  • GoStrategic’s budgetary needs
  • Development of the GoBusiness school in South Africa & Madagascar
  • Translation of the GoLife curriculum into Spanish
  • Translation of On the Destiny of Nations book into Spanish
  • The formation of GoStrategic’s School of Kingdom Citizenship
  • Prayer covering over GoStrategics’s staff, board, school facilitators, and students in the US and abroad

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support!

GoStrategic | www.gostrategic.org | 707.578.7700
School of Business Leadership | School of Strategic Living | The Statesmen Project

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