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The last of our Twelve Master Principles is the Bridge of Trust. Next to Master Principle #1: Transcendence, it is perhaps the most important of the twelve. Ultimately, all human interaction is mediated across the “bridge of trust” that exists between people. Obviously, the greater the trust, the stronger the bridge. The stronger the bridge, the heavier the load it can sustain. It may be said that all efficiencies, benefits, common values, and relational equity are dependent upon the “tensile strength” of this figurative bridge. Parenthetically, the more zeros there are in a transaction, the faster the level of trust between parties is revealed!

From a macro point of view, the trust between the citizens of the world and the leaders of the governing systems managing them forms the ultimate bridge of trust for humanity. Those in control have either convinced people they are competent to manage the system, or they have taken control through sheer appropriation of power. In either case, the trust factor between citizens and rulers is currently being stretched and pulled at new global levels.
God builds relationally and covenantally. He releases power by degrees and waits to see how it is managed and the deviation points He is willing to allow from His intended purposes. Similarly, the bridge of trust is subject to reevaluation based upon consistencies and the ability to deliver what is promised between participants in a given relationship. As many of us know from experience, trust can take a long time to be built and can be quickly broken if mishandled or damaged by a lack of clear agreements or unmet expectations.
Trust between parties is built upon two foundational components: 1) the competency to deliver what is promised and 2) the character to work through unexpected challenges. This bring to the forefront such questions as, Are the parties involved in an agreement consistently reliable? Is their character proven in conflict? Are they capable of engaging in larger projects as events dictate?
Most of the precious things in our lives are relationally based. From trust to love, God created us to thrive most perfectly in the context of solid, proven relationships. Wisdom builds relationships at the speed of trust; it highly values these human bonds because they define all else. By design, the Twelve Master Principles are bookended by Principle #1: Transcendence and Principle #12: The Bridge of Trust. Transcendence forces us to look at what truly matters most, and the bridge of trust presses us to define the essential relationships upon which our visions and assignments in life rest. That is…
Questions for Reflection & Discussion:
- Which relationships in your life do you consider foundational? Are your bridges of trust growing with them?
- Have you entered agreements wherein you discuss the bridge of trust as a reality?
- Where are the bridges of trust being severely tested in our nation?
This article is part of a broader series on the TWELVE MASTER PRINCIPLES. View previous issues at: THE BOTTOM LINE ARCHIVES
One response to “Principle Twelve: The Bridge of Trust”
Agreed brother Dennis! We are called to serve as bridges of trust…which often requires great humility… and willingness to be walked on from both sides.