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“The Importance of Multi-Generational Thinking”
Generational thinking or momentum begins with the health and vision of the parents’ hearts. Do they love their children enough to train them to succeed in life, or is that too much trouble? If they haven’t been trained by their own parents on how to do so, they need the vision instilled in them.
Let’s explore some key insights on how generational-momentum training contributes to the stewardship aspects of life. First, we are to train our children to train. That means, we teach and model for them the reality that virtue and excellence require work, training, and time to perfect and become habits. Letting things “happen” is a wonderful way to be ruled by circumstances instead of shaping outcomes. We usually hit what we aim for when our aim is realistic and undergirded by effort and character. The Scriptures say, “train up a child”—not to give them mere guidance or suggestions. If that sounds too rigid, then please do not expect your children to achieve mastery in any area, regardless of their natural abilities.

Second, we must pass on the concept and reality of generational momentum to our children and grandchildren. They must see the obvious advantage to them and their children of inheriting now, as well as later, the skill sets and resources of their parents as they go through life. While it is quite true that we should properly relate to our children based on their age and training levels, gradually releasing more and more power and authority to them as they mature, we should still stay intimately connected with their hearts and the common goals we have for our family’s future as they create families of their own. Generational momentum and transfer are an exciting adventure across time wherein the death of one generation springboards the next one.
Third, we should be searching with them and solidifying what we already have discerned about the special callings or gifts God has placed within our families. All that God creates has design. This is true for individuals, families, organizations, and nations. Generational momentum is not just about accumulating power or position through asset management; it’s about discovering and enhancing the callings and gifts resident within family members relative to the Kingdom work they are called to complete across generations. God shows us this pattern in the way He works in Scripture through family lines. Iniquities and negative tendencies clearly pass from generation to generation. Are we to believe that blessings and callings do not pass along as well? It is no accident that Jesus came through the kingly line of David. Beginning with Adam and then Abraham, God implants His purposes and prophetic callings through family lines. Parents and grandparents must see and intentionally live out the vital role they play in equipping future generations, enabling them to see both their strengths and weaknesses in light of who God has called them and their families to be. And that, my friends, is…