(707) 578-7700


School of Strategic Living

The School of Strategic Living (GoLife) began in the home of Dennis Peacocke in the 1980’s with a vision to equip his children with tools that would help prepare them to be leaders in their generation. In 1991, this family exercise became what is now—the School of Strategic Living—and has developed into a course that has touched lives in the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and all over Europe, and serves to further develop leaders of all ages. GoLife has proven itself an invaluable tool for those who believe God has called them for a purpose and want to identify and be trained to fulfill it.

The school is a two-year correspondence program designed to transform leaders, both current and emerging, by equipping them to think biblically, challenging them to live strategically, and providing insights for leading effectively. It combines the latest in online learning management software with personal facilitation. Upon successful completion of our schools, graduates can take advantage of our Advanced Standing Partnerships in which units of credit are awarded for your education with GoStrategic toward degrees and certifications with other colleges, universities, and institutions of higher education. Visit our Advanced Standing Partnerships Page for details.

Results of the School:

  • Vision: A sharply defined perspective for how to walk out a strategic lifestyle articulated by the Christian worldview
  • Worldview Foundations: A complete framework, based on biblical assumptions, through which to interpret life.
  • Connection: A process that helps to connect participants with other resources in a larger context fostering change
    and bringing transformation to one’s personal life, family, business, and community.
  • Facilitation: A trained facilitator who provides a level of direction to participants, encouraging and helping them to examine their thoughts, attitudes, and practices in light of the principles presented in the course.

GoLife is currently operating in the US, Canada, Mexico & Central America, Brazil, Europe, Austral-Asia, and Africa. If you would like more information on how you can participate, please visit the GoLife website: www.schoolofstrategicliving.com