(707) 578-7700


GoStrategic Newsletter: Winter 2016


Florida, USA to Alberta, Canada 


The Statesmen Project continues to progress in Tampa, Florida with another ecclesia prayer convocation and in Canada with a strategic leadership event centered around principle-based public policy; these two are closely linked, all a part of the Lord’s seamless garment. Informed prayer and informed action are indeed necessary partners.

The time in Tampa, Florida was a strategic event in the prayer project. Tampa has a developed prayer network that includes both pastors and leaders of outreach programs into the schools and social needs. Patty Sodmont who founded CITY PLAN, a coordinating body for local action groups, shares:

We’ve had many corporate prayer gatherings in the Tampa Bay region, particularly over the last four years with CITY PLAN and other apostolic ministries; however, the Ecclesia Convocation was an entirely different level for us. This gathering carried a greater element of intentionality. Significant key leaders from every sphere of culture were personally invited into this regional Kingdom Congress with the direct intention to legislate on several land issues the Lord was directing in this hour. You could feel the authority being released in the atmosphere as leaders began to establish and decree what would be bound or loosed in our region. I am confident the city rejoiced as destiny was released.

In Calgary, Alberta it was the third seminar in a series designed to help apostolic leaders in Canada practically approach the fulfilling of the Great Commission to disciple nations. These fifty leaders from across the country have been studying together in previous seminars the theology of discipling nations and the practices of community transformation. The subject of this recent seminar was the basics of macroeconomic policy and how political systems function.


We pulled together from within the Statesmen network experts who taught and had panel discussions with their Canadian counterparts for both deeper understanding and practical applications. Their goal is the application of the principles in the social action of Christians in the culture. With the near universal recognition of Christians and non-Christians alike that the family is the center of a healthy society, one set of these Canadian leaders are in the process of implementing strategy to encourage, nurture, and motivate parental involvement in their children’s schools. The focus is on the responsibilities as parents in terms of what the school systems are teaching their children.


We are excited to see the Lord’s working out of the three legs of Community Transformation in the Statesmen Project which are:

  1. Citizen Education
  2. Strategic Prayer
  3. City Action Councils

To see these prototype groups developed and the continuing growth of networking with successful existing works is gratifying. As the Holy Spirit continues to globally awaken people to the practical realities of what “discipling nations” actually entails, we are profoundly grateful for God’s grace upon our joint efforts in The Statesmen Project and participating leaders, organizations, cities, and nations. We covet your ongoing prayer and support for our mission to put “legs” under the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20.



Emissary Event & New Book 

GoStrategic recently hosted our first Emissary Event.* This event provided an inside update on the ministry, focus-group time around Dennis’ forthcoming book, Tending Your Garden, and the relational component of seeing old friends and making new ones. Attendees received an advance copy of the first three chapters of the book to review beforehand. At the meetings we worked through comments and suggestions to provide Dennis and GoStrategic with strategic feedback.

This new book will be an expansion on the current Tending Your Garden series (available here) and is meant to provide an “entry-level” Kingdom read that has been asked for by so many through the years. It is to answer the question of why we are here and how the Kingdom of God will be seen on the earth. We appreciate your prayers for this project as Dennis seeks to weave the time needed to completed it in between all his commitments.

*Emissary is the name we choose to designate this group as those who have represented the message of GoStrategic in their life through facilitation of our schools, promotion of our core messages in their life activities, and/or support of the ministry with gifts of their skilled time or finances.

emissary (em-i-ser-ee) noun: An agent sent on a mission to represent or advance the interests of another. Synonyms: ambassador, agent, consul, deputy, diplomat, delegate, envoy,  go-between, herald, intermediary, messenger, representative


We would appreciate your prayers…


* For Dennis in the writing of his next book, Tending Your Garden.

* For The Statesmen Project to strategically grow in its mission to disciple nations.

* For the inaugural Strategic Life Training students in Singapore and the future SLT Facilitators for that region.

* For more supporters in our financial base to enable the growth of our work.

Thank you for your faithful prayer & support! 


Events Calendar

Transforum 2016 CoverApril 7-9, 2016

Transforum 2016 with BLS/SLT Intensives

Location: Marriott DFW Airport Hotel, Dallas, TX

Theme: Practical Studies for Daniels, Deborahs, and Pioneers

Keynote Speakers:

* Dr. Paul Jehle
* Dennis Peacocke
* Dr. Lance Wallnau

Workshop Speakers

* Dr. Gerald Chester
* Pastor Hugh Cunningham
* Katherine Gallagher
* Pastor Terry Moore
* And more!

September 15-17, 2016

Mobile and DevicesStatesmen Event

Location: Sojourn Church, Dallas, TX

The Statesmen Project is an international movement of concerned citizens responding to the growing economic and social crises with practical Biblical principles and models that solve specific community and national problems. This will be our first open-invite event (all prior events have been invitation only)