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I Peter 1:5-8 gives us a critical path for strategic growth in Christ. Knowledge plays a key role in the context of a growing sequence of virtues that enable us to “neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Knowledge is a tool for fruitfulness, but godly virtue supplies the delivery system.
GoStrategic’s Strategic Life Training (SLT) program facilitates the life practice of spiritual growth. Its focus is not just on the growth of knowledge, but growth in virtue with the goal of a full and fruitful life in Christ.
This year’s SLT Intensive in Lawrence, Kansas was sponsored by a group of four churches that have ministries on five university campuses in the area. One of the speakers this year, Pastor Ray McCollum, spoke of growing in our God-given creativity, redeemed and fashioned by God’s Word. He contrasted a biblical imagination to the perspective of the New Age. Being made in the image of God, we possess attributes of our Creator. Using them is another avenue for growth in faith and virtue.
With the churches’ proximity to the campuses and their related campus ministries, it is no surprise that a large segment of the congregation are students. A good number of foreign students also attend which provides a significant opportunity to reach the next generation of leaders from around the world.
The annual SLT Intensive serves as an outreach open to all. As speaker Don Walker posited, “SLT is the most effective vehicle for teaching biblical worldview and principles for Christian living.” The Intensive functions as an initiation into the possibilities for Christian growth beyond knowledge, and an annual review for others. Pastor John McDermott adds, “To hear that Kingdom sound for a weekend is really important for [students] to have annually.”
This year they had to change from table arrangement seating to audience seating due to the large turnout and insufficient space. Rick Mullen, Associate Pastor of Morning Star Church shared, “This is the third year we have hosted an Intensive locally; they seem to get better and better each year. Our people seem to be embracing the idea of a biblical worldview and applying it to their lives. That is exciting.”
Given such a setting, Dennis Peacocke’s foundational teachings on tending our “gardens,” seeing transformation from the inside out, and responding to life with faithful stewardship, were readily received as encouragement. As Luke 16:10 tells us, “He that is faithful with little is faithful also with much.” Strategic Life Training has proven itself an invaluable tool for those who believe God has called them for a purpose and want to identify and be trained to fulfill it.
SLT has touched lives in the United States, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, Australia, Africa, and all over Europe and serves to further develop leaders of all ages. Our curricula and mentoring continue in local communities with a focus on producing problem-solving citizens who hold God and His Word as the ultimate solution for the human condition.
For more information on SLT, please visit:
We desire to model our decades-plus motto of “igniting personal and social transformation.” Over the next two years, we are well-positioned to influence considerably more people than ever before. Our access to multiple thousands of people and leaders coupled with our product base and networks of relational infrastructure are in place to make this happen. The opportunities of this past year continue to confirm God’s growing influence of GoStrategic through the combination of your giving and our going.
All we need is more fuel. The New Year is already filling up with the opportunities. Your giving now will allow us to make the commitments to further Jesus’ work through us. Together we are a team.
Please help give us a boost into the New Year by considering making a year-end investment into our ministry or a regular pledge (monthly or quarterly) of any amount. Your participation will be building a firm financial foundation for 2015 and beyond.
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By mail: 1221 Farmers Lane, Suite E, Santa Rosa, CA 95405
View the complete newsletter here: GoStrategicNewsletter-Winter2014