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Winning the Battle for the Minds of Men (Paperback Book)

Winning the Battle for the Minds of Men (Paperback Book)


Reintroducing a Classic for the Modern Age: Winning the Battle for the Minds of Men, 2023 Edition! This newly revised edition of Winning the Battle for the Minds of Men, authored by visionary biblical strategist, Dennis Peacocke, provides instructive commentary on the basics of cultural analysis from a Christian viewpoint. The ideologies of the world…


Reintroducing a Classic for the Modern Age:
Winning the Battle for the Minds of Men, 2023 Edition!

This newly revised edition of Winning the Battle for the Minds of Men, authored by visionary biblical strategist, Dennis Peacocke, provides instructive commentary on the basics of cultural analysis from a Christian viewpoint. The ideologies of the world system that Dennis warned us about decades ago have now materialized, causing widespread societal upheaval. Against an increasingly tumultuous global landscape, Winning the Battle offers hope, tangible direction, and practical strategies that empower believers to combat the secular descent into selfishness, relativism, and, ultimately, tyranny. Integrating a comprehensive Christian worldview and timelessly relevant biblical principles, readers are provided with the tools to not only understand the state of the world from a Kingdom perspective but to craft meaningful responses that hold the power to reshape the very fabric of our culture. Prepare to embark on a transformative journey of becoming equipped and empowered to shape social, political, and economic events and become an active participant in the discipling of the nations!


  • Preface: Dropped into the Battle Zone
  • Chapter 1: Occupying Till He Comes
  • Chapter 2: The Care and Discipling of God’s Nations
  • Chapter 3: Reclaiming the Power of the Early Church
  • Chapter 4: The False Separation of Church and State
  • Chapter 5: Somebody Is Legislating Morality
  • Chapter 6: Politics Doesn’t Have to Be a Dirty Business
  • Chapter 7: Attacking the Lies That Are Stealing Our Children’s Future
  • Chapter 8: Storming the Gates of Our Cities
  • Chapter 9: Power in the Blood?
  • Chapter 10: Becoming Fishers of Men
  • Chapter 11: Getting Ready to Rule in a World Falling Apart
  • Chapter 12: Calling for Christian Heroes

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ePub/eBook version HERE | Kindle version HERE

BULK ORDERS: For orders of 20 books or more, please contact the office for bulk discount and custom shipping rate: info@gostrategic.org | 707-578-7700

INTERNATIONAL ORDERS: The paperback is also available from Barnes & Noble. This option is recommended to international customers if the GoStrategic website does not accept your shipping address.


Ganando la batalla por la mente de los hombres

El Cristianismo una vez puso al mundo de cabeza —pero hoy es considerado irrelevante. ¿Cómo sucedió esto?, ¿por qué la Iglesia del siglo XXI se retiró a lo que el autor llama el “Gueto Cristiano”? En este libro, Dennis Peacocke nos provee las respuestas. Expone las mentiras que están paralizando a la Iglesia y nos revelará cómo podemos volver a tomar la visión original de la Iglesia y el poder para discipular a todas las naciones.

1. Negociando entre tanto que Él venga
2. Cuidando y discipulando a las naciones de Dios
3. Reclamando el poder de la Iglesia Primitiva
4. La falsa separación entre la Iglesia y el Estado
5. Alguien está legislando la moralidad
6. La política no tiene que ser un negocio sucio
7. Atacando las mentiras que están robando el futuro de nuestros hijos
8. Tomando por asalto las puertas de nuestras ciudades
9. ¿Hay poder en la sangre?
10. Convirtiéndose en pescadores de hombres
11. Preparándonos para gobernar en un mundo que se derrumba
12. Llamando a los héroes cristianos

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(La versión ePub eBook AQUÍ | La versión Kindle AQUÍ)

Additional information

Weight .6 lbs

English, Español