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On the Destiny of Nations (ePub eBook)

On the Destiny of Nations (ePub eBook)


On the Destiny of Nations (ePub eBook) In his latest book, On the Destiny of Nations: Resolving Our Economic Crisis, Dennis Peacocke provides an informed Christian challenge to absurd economic policies, left-right political games, and a frequently irrelevant church while providing practical, principle based solutions. This is a book about defining moments and severe challenges…


On the Destiny of Nations (ePub eBook)

In his latest book, On the Destiny of Nations: Resolving Our Economic Crisis, Dennis Peacocke provides an informed Christian challenge to absurd economic policies, left-right political games, and a frequently irrelevant church while providing practical, principle based solutions. This is a book about defining moments and severe challenges that demand pain and reveal character. Ultimately, it is about partnering with God to bring redemption to people and the social systems of their nations.

ePub eBooks are compatible with a variety of devices including iPad, iPhone, iBooks app, B&N Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo eReader, and Android phone. Adobe also offers a FREE eReader that you can download here: Adobe Digital Editions

The Kindle Version can be purchased HERE.

Chapters Include:
The Current Crisis and the Search for a Values-Based Economic Order
On the Challenges of Secularism and Religious Dualism
The Twilight of Freedom in the West
Economics, Centralization, and the Question of Lifestyle
On the Power of Human Choice and Economics
On the Economic Power of Generational Momentum
On Connecting Capital Creation with Employment Incentives
On the Instruments of Exchange: Trust, Limits, and Money
Public Policy, Community Development, and the Spiritual Power of the Ecclessia

Look Inside the Book


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