Transforum 2019:
Our Identity as Kings & Priests in a Secular World
The priesthood of the believer and the practice of prayer have laid a strong foundation for this current move of the Kingdom of God. The Bible makes clear that in His Kingdom, we are to function as both priests and kings (Revelation 1:6). Transforum 2019, which took place March 28-30th in Santa Rosa, CA, focused on how to recognize and act on this “now” word to exhibit the blessings of this reality in our lives and culture. Its challenging content provided a strong affirmation of GoStrategic’s investment in the longstanding principles of “bottom-up” and “inside-out.”
Dennis Peacocke’s series of keynote messages all focused around the title theme of “Kings & Priests.” Jesus said in His post-resurrection commissioning to His disciples, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth” (Matthew 28:18). Dennis explained that while the essential ministry of our priesthood to the world has maintain itself over the centuries, the kingly ministry of the church has not held the same level of focus, understanding, or implementation. The main reason for this is simple. Most of the body of Christ does not receive Jesus as the current king over the earth, but rather as the future king of the earth. He has left both the kingdom of man and the Kingdom of God simultaneously vying for the management of the nations. As the King of the nations, He has commanded us to disciple them and bring them as close as possible to His will and practices in the context of pluralistic democracy. We are not called to create a theocracy; we are called to help order society according to God’s will so that He can bless society and expose the world to His principles that bring forth true life.
In a powerful, Spirit-filled moment, Dennis led us in verbally receiving Jesus as King now and in repenting for our unbelief and lack of faith to view reality through His eyes. Indeed, it is our kingly ministry to influence society towards His worldview and to deploy the skills of building families, organizations, and social-political-economic systems based on the principles in God’s Word.
Apostle Terrell Murphy, Founder of City Dive and Life Center International in Charlotte, NC, brought much life in his keynote teaching titled, “A Remnant People.” He exhorted, “We need to be built up in God. We are made in His image, His integrity. Rid yourself of the time bombs of the enemy and be true to your new nature. Our holiness is in God! As we edify and build up one another, we can reign.” He expounded on how kings solve problems, put out fires, and bring revelation. He brought encouragement that we can walk through life in the flesh but not yield to it. We can function as the Kings that we are, but we do not reign alone. We are of one blood.
As the main conference continued, The Statesmen Project was holding a concurrent mini conference called, “The Church Serving Communities in Crisis: How Disaster Preparedness and Disaster Response Can Transform Your Community.” It was hosted by Adam Peacocke of FeatherVine ministry, Dr. Doug Stringer of Somebody Cares, and Hope Taylor of The Statesmen Project. They facilitated a network of leaders and directors of disaster response organizations which met to discuss how we can synergize our resources to better equip local churches for effective response when a crisis happens in their community. The critical point is to have leadership and plans in place before an emergency arises.
This is such a practical application of the Church’s call to be salt and light, first by caring for those in need, and then as a very visual example of the Church acting as a whole through organized congregations, each expressing their part of the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12). From the earliest church history, the altar of a congregation was a place of refuge in time of need. It is clear that The Statesman project has a unique opportunity to coordinate this effort, and everyone present had a strong sense of God’s Spirit leading us forward in this work.
Adam Peacocke and Dr. Doug Stringer also gave keynote messages at the main conference on the shared topic, “Repairers of the Breach,” weaving the mini conference’s theme of church service into the main conference theme of “Kings & Priests.”
As a major leader in a global network of organizations working together to bring hope and healing to communities, Dr. Stringer shared from his vast experience: “Service is a powerful tool. It turns situations around just like a soft answer turns away wrath, when we come with an opposite spirit. The theme, ‘The Church Serving Communities in Crisis,’ is critical to where we are prophetically. As Dennis said last night, ‘We are in a prophetic moment which calls each of us who receive the truth to walk out that prophetic mandate.’ To serve the community is a powerful tool.” He continued with very practical ideas of what the organized church can do to be prepared for service to our communities, such as being an arc of refuge, the ministry of presence, and functioning as the ekklesia. Strong leadership can create a narrative that changes history. It is not where you start but where you finish!
In his session on the same topic, Adam Peacocke reported on how the recent devastating fires in our city of Santa Rosa produced a set of opportunities where the local churches have radically advanced the injection of Kingdom principles into the local community at a breathtaking level. With standing relationships developed through years of city involvement and pastoral history, Adam was uniquely positioned as a bridge between the churches and governmental infrastructures, so that when the fires took place and some 80 pastors met as the fires still burned, they quickly chose Adam to be their representative to local governments and federal aid assistance. The Holy Spirit gave these church leaders and Adam incredible wisdom and strategies for community service that over the last 18 months have literally opened the community, including the schools, allowing interfaces and service beyond what we could ever have imagined. He shared this wisdom, “We must move at the speed of trust.”
The anointing on Adam was gripping and compelling, and the presence of the Holy spirit was so strong that when Adam finished speaking, Dennis got up and said, “I am calling an audible play at this line of scrimmage” (a football term used to change the play last called in the huddle). Rarely have we interrupted a tightly scheduled agenda of meetings such as this. For the next hour or so, we attempted to follow the Holy Spirit very carefully in prayer, declaring biblical truths and thanking God for the way in which He turned a massive crisis into an astounding possibility, all based on effective service that opened the hearts of people. While the presence of God had been strong from the beginning of the conference, this time of common gratitude brought a new level of God’s tangible presence to the remainder of our time together.
In the final session, Apostle Terrell Murphy built on the anointing that was present, delivering a masterful and motivating sermon titled, “The Apostolic Spirit.” He spoke on the “spirit of being sent” which apostolic ministries can carry and are able to transmit to the audiences they address. The apostolic spirit is missional—not a monument. “My giftings are exercised to show people God loves them.” We may not be called specifically to the office of the apostle (or other offices such as pastor, evangelist, teacher, or prophet), but we all should be versed in their functions. They should be in our tool belt even if they are not our primary function in the Body. He powerfully unwrapped Jesus’s words in John 20:21, “As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” He shared, “When two or three are gathered in my name, this is the Kingdom of God. Jesus says, I’m building an Ekklesia, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. I’m building something that has legislative, governing authority, and what I’m up to is not getting you trapped in a building. I want to give you a mobile ministry so that wherever you go, you are carrying the government, power, and mind of God. It is you who move in the Spirit that are able to shift things and turn them into that which glorifies God.” If you were unable to attend, it is a message well worth investing your time to hear (the recordings are linked below).
Bruce Billington, Ron Coverson, Dennis Peacocke, Katherine Gallagher, and Ken & Faith Negvesky lent their wide range of experience and knowledge in our GoLife and GoBusiness workshops. A Citizen Action track also met during the workshop times, making good use of the expertise of the mini conference presenters.
Saturday afternoon featured a panel discussion of diverse leaders. Reflecting on our time together, they shared personal insights and applications we might take home with us.
Another exceptional time was GoStrategic’s annual Emissary Luncheon. It gathers longtime supporters who give of time, considerable talents, and treasure to create fruit that was broadly testified. The longevity of their application of the message was seen in many ways. With some, there were heartwarming stories of children, grandchildren, in-laws, and others applying the message and involved in the schools. Others are finding “employment” in their active participation in developing the GoCitizen school curriculum and other services towards God’s Kingdom. There were also key ministry connections that bring the work of GoStrategic alongside YWAM, Crown Ministries, and others, spanning continents and decades.
The Transforum concluded with a celebratory banquet that was full of life and continued the feeding and fostering of relationships old and new.
We were so encouraged by the multiple generations, relational cross sections with other ministries with common understandings, and the renewing of spiritual energy as God is positioning His servants around the world. We were so grateful for God’s presence, and we hope to see you next year at Transforum 2020!
Transforum 2019 Recordings
In our current crisis of culture, our priestly roles as mediators and our kingly role as influencers of righteous laws and just social systems must both increase. In this 13-part series from Transforum 2019, listen to nine anointed speakers teach on on Our Identity as Kings and Priests in a Secular World as they help us uncover God’s exciting future for us as believers, as the Church, and as the unexpected solution to the world struggling around us.
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- Development of the GoBusiness school in Madagascar
- Translation of the GoLife curriculum into Spanish
- Translation of On the Destiny of Nations book into Spanish
- The formation of GoStrategic’s School of Kingdom Citizenship
- Prayer covering over GoStrategics’s staff, board, school facilitators, and students in the US and abroad
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