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Resources for Churches
GoStrategic provides unique training and resources for leaders, both current and emerging, for both personal and community transformation. Our schools help equip those called to business, leadership, and the public sector in their communities and beyond. Our materials provide study for all jurisdictions, including specific materials for ministers and pastors. Our small-group materials, called Transformation Groups (or T-Groups), utilize a specific methodology designed to facilitate godly individual transformation in the small-group context.
Our events provide education, activation, encouragement, networking and practical training.
For those working in their local communities, government and public policy- including churches working to bridge the faith community with the civil- the Statesmen Project provides networking and specific training.
A Different Approach to Small-Group Study
Transformation Groups are different in that they utilize a specific methodology designed to facilitate godly transformation in the small-group context. The group is designed for positioning, engaging, and experiencing transformation through the group process while producing individual results.
We have selected what we believe to be extraordinary teaching materials and have coupled them with a dynamic methodology designed to give every member of the T-Group an opportunity for a truly life-changing experience. Our unique methodology for small groups is taught through The Transformation Journey Series by Ron Coverson and Adam Peacocke, and implemented throughout each of our transformation groups. Group are designed to last 8-12 weeks long, and they include a leader’s guide, student guide, and various supplemental materials.

Transformation Group Materials
Doing Business God’s Way: For marketplace study
Let’s Talk: For communication study (personal or business)
Living Life God’s Way: For personal growth
Rites of Passage: For young men
Savoring Your Sunset Years: For seniors
The Transformation Journey: For leaders of small groups
The Worldview Series: For new believers & teens and those working with them