(707) 578-7700



  • Core Message: Dual Citizenship and the Christian’s Role in Political Engagement

    Core Message: Dual Citizenship and the Christian’s Role in Political Engagement

    As disciples of Christ, we live as citizens of both the earth and the Kingdom of God. This critical concept of dual citizenship carries huge implications for the actions of believers on earth. We are citizens first of God’s Kingdom, second to our nations, and we play a crucial role in fulfilling the Matthew 6:10…

  • Core Message: Strategic Thinking

    Core Message: Strategic Thinking

    As disciples of Christ, we believe we are called to think and live strategically. This is because the God we serve lives and works strategically. The closer we are to Him and how He thinks, the more strategic and focused we become. God thinks from the end to the beginning and from the macro to…

  • Core Message: Jurisdictions

    Core Message: Jurisdictions

    While the word “jurisdiction” has its roots as a legal term, the concept is quite broad in its application, as it pertains to both how we live our lives and the subsequent effect this has on society. To understand jurisdictions is to understand the spheres of responsibility within our personal lives and the greater community.…

  • Core Message Highlight: Transformational Leadership

    Core Message Highlight: Transformational Leadership

    Core Message Highlight: Transformational Leadership A transformational leader is someone who has been and continues to be personally transformed into Christ-likeness and, in turn, stimulates transformation in their families and communities. The world would say that change happens from the top-down and outside-in. We believe change best begins with the individual and flows from the…

  • Core Message Highlight: Tending Your Garden

    Core Message Highlight: Tending Your Garden

    Core Message Highlight: Tending Your Garden Then the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it. —Genesis 2:15 (NASB) What has God called us to do? God’s big idea is changing the world one garden at a time. Jesus has given each believer an…

  • Core Message Highlight: Presuppositional Thinking

    Core Message Highlight: Presuppositional Thinking

    The mind justifies what the heart has chosen. This simple maxim unlocks the essence of human decision-making. Within our hearts lies our true motives, agendas, and underlying assumptions. Our hearts determine our character and what kind of person we will be. As evidenced by hundreds of Scriptures, it is vital in our Christian walk to…

  • Core Message Highlight: Problem Solving

    Core Message Highlight: Problem Solving

    “Power is guarded by problems” is a well-known catechism for those familiar with the ministry of GoStrategic. This simple phrase is a helpful mantra as we engage the inevitable challenges of life, both big and small. The world’s approach to problems is often avoidance and “How do we get out of this?” versus God’s perspective of…

  • The Insidious Nature of Misdirection During Times of Societal Turbulence

    The Insidious Nature of Misdirection During Times of Societal Turbulence

    Randall Hobson owns and operates a small business that has served the manufacturing sector with material handling solutions since 1986. As a businessman, husband and father, he has sought to progressively comprehend and implement the ways of the Kingdom of God throughout the fabric of his life. He has been a student of the School…

  • Capitalism, Socialism, and the Case for Choice-Based Economics

    Capitalism, Socialism, and the Case for Choice-Based Economics

    Capitalism, Socialism, and the Case for Choice-Based Economics by Dennis Peacocke The critiques of capitalism go well back into the nineteenth century. At their core, the best of them are much more about an unequal distribution of wealth than any of the self-evident needs to fine tune the exclusively economic properties of the overall system.…

  • The Challenge of Business Management after September 11, 2001

    The Challenge of Business Management after September 11, 2001

    by Dennis Peacocke Most of us recognize that the events of Tuesday, September 11, 2001, have changed things in significant ways even if we are unable to articulate all that we see or sense. It is highly unlikely that either the economy or our so-called “social psyche” will return to normal because “normal” appears to…

  • Why God Doesn’t Want to get Involved in Your Business

    Why God Doesn’t Want to get Involved in Your Business

    by Dennis Peacocke Virtually wherever I teach on “marketplace ministries”, I sometime ask in my presentation “Who wants God to get involved in your business?” The vase majority of those present raise their hands expecting me to help them find effective ways to help them further achieve that “divine connection.” To their surprise I not…

  • Integrity in Sales: You are the Company, You are the Product

    Integrity in Sales: You are the Company, You are the Product

    by Dennis Peacocke Integrity is perhaps our highest and most valuable human commodity. When we possess it, it can open many doors and keep them open. When we’ve lost it or don’t possess it as a known character quality, few people want to associate with us. Even criminals have strong codes by which they measure…

  • “Strategic Time with God: the Most Important Thing”

    “Strategic Time with God: the Most Important Thing”

    by Dennis Peacocke As any competent, professional motivational speaker or personal executive coach knows, the most difficult thing is to find the key in someone that turns an individual from mere mental understanding to actually changing the way they think and behave. The conceptual is indeed Square One. However, many times, Square Two-genuine action- seldom…

  • Strategic Planning:  The Key to Building Successful Relationships, Organizations,  and Capital Creation

    Strategic Planning: The Key to Building Successful Relationships, Organizations, and Capital Creation

    by Dennis Peacocke Every successful leader of any organization, let alone a successful business, knows that strategic planning is the key. If leaders simply “let things happen” in a fallen world, two things will happen: 1) chaos will “happen” and 2) they won’t be leaders for long. Strategic planning is the applied skill that allows…

  • Some of the Economic Consequences of Dualism, Futurism, and Evangelicalism

    Some of the Economic Consequences of Dualism, Futurism, and Evangelicalism

    by Dennis Peacocke Broadly speaking, I am an American “Evangelical,” if by the meaning of this word we denote a Christian who believes in being born of God’s Spirit and who holds both a high view of scripture and an internal need to share our faith in Christ. Unfortunately, “Evangelicalism” in America carries with it,…

  • Studies on the Master Principles of Transforming People and Organizations

    Studies on the Master Principles of Transforming People and Organizations

    by Dennis Peacocke In a fallen world, how to achieve biblical and lasting transformation is the only real question for those who aspire to be Christ’s disciples. Put another way, leading people and building organizations God’s way is what all Christian leaders should aspire to do. Once one sees this, studying and walking out God’s…