P.S. Seriously, go see this movie.
The Ten Master Principles for Building Lives and Organizations (Nations):
1. Transcendence (Absolutes)
○ Man’s inherent rights
○ Supreme issues
○ The starting point for strategic planning
2. Jurisdictional Government (Responsibility):
○ Self-government
○ Nuclear family government
○ Ecclesiastic government
○ Civil government
○ Responsibility & functioning social order
3. The Separation of Powers (Freedom):
○ The counter-balancing division of government designed to limit tyranny.
4. Division of Labor (Engiftment/Efficiency):
○ The efficiency and productivity created by skill-endowed labor, singular-product focus, and coordinated team-work
5. Localism-Centralization (Choice)
○ Pressing decision-making to those most affected by the decision or application of others’ decisions.
6. Service-Based Power (Love):
○ The use of authority and power to enhance the value and welfare of others
7. Limits (Safety, Goals, Sustainability)
○ The concept protecting us from harm
○ The concept that limits can hinder us from progress or freedom
8. Justice-Equality (Inputs, Rewards, Common Accountability)
○ Due rewards or penalties
○ Common human value and rights
9. Results-Based Reality (Truth):
○ Performance-based evaluations
○ Truth in action
10. The Bridge of Trust (Relational Building):
○ Relational confidence in people, systems, or Ideas