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GoStrategic Newsletter: Winter 2015
Ministry Update from Jan Peacocke Recent meetings in Switzerland were tremendously encouraging for the progress of the Kingdom of God. They provided Dennis and me with perspective on the fruitfulness of the work done there over the last 20 years. It is marvelous to see the Lord, as always, has been preparing in the field…
GoStrategic Newsletter: Summer 2015
Dennis and Jan Peacocke in Canada SUMMER 2015 ASIA INTENSIVE Calgary, Alberta, Canada recently hosted the second of a series of three equipping seminars to help launch a Statesmen Project initiative to groups of churches. The goal is for individual communities to establish City Action Councils that include civic, church, and business representatives from…
What Is to Be Done with Donald-the-Trump?
November 2015 Conventional politics has been currently trumped by Donald-the-Trump’s entry into the Republican Party’s quest for the oval office. Uninvited and carrying with him a dazzling ability to insult his way into the mainstream media’s constant attention, he presents a host of problems to the party who previously set forth Mitt Romney as their…
The Economic Consequences of Abortion
October 2015 The following is an excerpt from Dennis Peacocke’s book, On the Destiny of Nations: In a significant section of our population, children are seen as an impediment to freedom and lifestyle choices, so they must be aborted. Historically, they have been seen as the hope for the future, a blessing, and a means…
On the Decline and Fall of the American Empire in Philadelphia
September 2015 As many of you know, at the formative meetings of the Founders of this nation in Philadelphia, a chair was present with a carving on its back of a sun on a horizon. The question at the time was, “Is that sun rising or setting?” George Washington and Benjamin Franklin mused upon that…
Getting Back to Square One: The Problem of Evil
August 2015 Man has struggled for countless centuries with the phenomenon of the “problem of evil.” Where does evil come from and can it be “cured?” Many theories and opinions abound. The ancients blamed animal spirits or evil spirits; even demi-gods sent from capricious Gods. Modern man in his attempt to rationally dispense with ancient…
GoStrategic Newsletter: Summer 2015
SUMMER 2015 ASIA INTENSIVE The Summer 2015 Asia Intensive was recently held in Singapore. School Director, Dorcas Li, remarked, “At the graduation dinner, two students, Chen Yu and Miranda, shared their experience of walking through BLS in the past two years. All agreed that the course is life changing and even though it was hard…
Good Guys & Bad Guys: It’s Not That Simple
July 2015 Life and reality are not a Hollywood movie with clear “good guys” (who are really good) and “bad guys” (who are really bad) battling things out for cosmic reasons. Certainly there are both really good people, really bad people, and cosmic battles in play, but many situations do not neatly fit into this…
US Foreign Policy: A Brief Look at President Obama’s Gamble
June 2015 President Obama is currently overseeing the most major change in US Foreign Policy in the last seventy years. He is personally driving an agenda of US non-involvement which only political libertarians and hard-left policy people understand or agree upon. Though these two groups couldn’t be further apart economically (free market vs. government driven…
GoStrategic Newsletter: Spring 2015
TRANSFORUM 2015 Dennis Peacocke opened the 2015 Transforum with two teachings on Transcendent Values. He focused on 10 biblical values that are axioms and the real life corollaries they are to govern. This was to give the knowledge from which understanding grows and the ability to make righteous judgments in life decisions. Four additional plenary…
The Year of Jubilee and the Great “Reset”
May 2015 Ancient Israel was established by God on a very deep social and personal set of cycles. Every seven days there was a mandatory Sabbath; every seven years a “reset” of loans and collateral securities; every seven years there was to be a sabbatical year for the land and all related agricultural activity; every…
The Genius of the Madness of “Mutually Assured Destruction”
April 2015 As multiple millions know, Iran is in the process of trying to negotiate its way out of crushing economic sanctions designed to thwart its development of nuclear weapons. Here is what we know surrounding the process for sure: 1) Oil rich Iran doesn’t need nuclear power as an energy source. 2) Iran has…
Trinitarianism and the Modern World
March 2015 The foundations of Western civilization rest squarely upon its Judeo-Christian roots. While Greece and Rome contributed to that foundation, their contributions were housed and contextualized in the theological shell of the church’s interpretation of Scripture. Granted, the Church did stumble more than once, to be kind. Nevertheless, the early fathers gave to the…
The Real State of the Union
February 2015 This is not another critique of President Obama nor an endorsement of conservative or liberal political perspectives. It is far more important than that. It is an attempt to deal with three of the root issues most afflicting us as a nation and, to some degree, the greater part of western culture. It…
On Poking Things With Sticks
January 2015 On the subject of poking things with sticks, we may find wisdom in the old adage, “Let sleeping dogs lie.” This usually means, don’t provoke something unless you are fully prepared for both their responses and your own. Provocation of someone or a situation should not be done without strategic thinking—unless, of course,…
Eternity is Here
December 2014 As wonderful as life is, it is frequently a challenge and often filled with deep disappointments. As we celebrate the birth of Christ this month, even He, as the Scripture reminds us in Isaiah 53:3, was “a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.” The fallenness of mankind and reality of human suffering…