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  • The Trap: Success Without Failure

    The Trap: Success Without Failure

    July 2016 A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold. —Proverbs 22:1 Today we have a major spiritual lesson about to be engaged right in front of the eyes of the world: Donald Trump and the spiritual law that confronts him. The law is quite…

  • The Challenge of Our Priestly Mission

    The Challenge of Our Priestly Mission

    June 2016 …and He has made us to be a kingdom, priests to His God and Father—to Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen. —Revelation 1:6 The Scripture above, and others like it (1 Peter 2:9 among them), remind Believers that our assignment on earth is to “do business until I…

  • GoStrategic Newsletter: Spring 2016

    GoStrategic Newsletter: Spring 2016

    Transforum 2016 in Dallas, Texas Practical Studies for Daniels, Deborahs & Pioneers “Utterly astounding” was Dennis Peacocke’s reaction to Dr. Paul Jehle’s keynote teaching on Daniel. The ability of Scripture and Truth to minister to body, soul, and spirit is one of the most precious realities God creates. The Transforum event gives an excellent opportunity…

  • Results-Based Reality & the Curse of Medieval Postmodern Thought

    Results-Based Reality & the Curse of Medieval Postmodern Thought

    May 2016 The so-called “modern world” was based upon secure faith in the power of reason, scientific method (empiricism), and a common ethic of Judeo-Christian values to secure a constant improvement in the condition of humanity. This belief system gave us the Industrial Revolution, capitalism (a constantly growing middle class), public education for the masses,…

  • Trapped Between Human Need and Personal Kingdom-Building

    Trapped Between Human Need and Personal Kingdom-Building

    April 2016 …to equip the saints for the work of ministry… —Ephesians 4:12 All of us who have labored in the church on any level for any length of time are familiar with the partial quote here from Ephesians, Chapter Four. Indeed, Ephesians Four has generated enormous discussion amongst church leaders for the last fifty…

  • GoStrategic Newsletter: Winter 2016

    GoStrategic Newsletter: Winter 2016

    Florida, USA to Alberta, Canada  The Statesmen Project continues to progress in Tampa, Florida with another ecclesia prayer convocation and in Canada with a strategic leadership event centered around principle-based public policy; these two are closely linked, all a part of the Lord’s seamless garment. Informed prayer and informed action are indeed necessary partners. The…

  • Trump vs. Sanders: Measuring How Divided We Are

    Trump vs. Sanders: Measuring How Divided We Are

    March 2016 The very fact that our upcoming presidential election could pit Bernie Sanders against Donald Trump has given us a much-needed measuring stick to attempt to calculate how truly divided this nation really is. My answer is, “beyond imagination.” That such a gap is now beginning to more fully manifest tells us a number…

  • NOTE TO SELF: Staying “Balanced” Isn’t Easy in Crazy Times

    NOTE TO SELF: Staying “Balanced” Isn’t Easy in Crazy Times

    February 2016 Anyone regularly reading these Bottom Line newsletters of mine probably has two things in common with me: 1) you recognize the deepening instability of our culture, and 2) you too may have trouble staying “balanced.” Sometimes the level of nonsense going on is like a very bad dream, at best, and a hallucination,…

  • Where Are the Real Muslims?

    Where Are the Real Muslims?

    January 2016 As virtually everyone in the public conversation knows, President Obama and others are vociferously maintaining that Islamic Jihadists are not “real Muslims.” I am certainly not an expert on Islam, but like many others, I have been through the Quran and have heard a number of real experts on this subject lecture and…

  • Three Supreme Issues Facing Us All

    Three Supreme Issues Facing Us All

    December 2015 The U.S. Pledge of Allegiance declares us to be as a people, “under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Obviously, there is a great deal of contention among us as to exactly what that means and its veracity. Indeed, like any patriotic platform, it is both a statement of intent and…

  • GoStrategic Newsletter: Winter 2015

    GoStrategic Newsletter: Winter 2015

    Ministry Update from Jan Peacocke Recent meetings in Switzerland were tremendously encouraging for the progress of the Kingdom of God. They provided Dennis and me with perspective on the fruitfulness of the work done there over the last 20 years. It is marvelous to see the Lord, as always, has been preparing in the field…

  • GoStrategic Newsletter: Summer 2015

    GoStrategic Newsletter: Summer 2015

    Dennis and Jan Peacocke in Canada   SUMMER 2015 ASIA INTENSIVE Calgary, Alberta, Canada recently hosted the second of a series of three equipping seminars to help launch a Statesmen Project initiative to groups of churches. The goal is for individual communities to establish City Action Councils that include civic, church, and business representatives from…

  • What Is to Be Done with Donald-the-Trump?

    What Is to Be Done with Donald-the-Trump?

    November 2015 Conventional politics has been currently trumped by Donald-the-Trump’s entry into the Republican Party’s quest for the oval office. Uninvited and carrying with him a dazzling ability to insult his way into the mainstream media’s constant attention, he presents a host of problems to the party who previously set forth Mitt Romney as their…

  • The Economic Consequences of Abortion

    The Economic Consequences of Abortion

    October 2015 The following is an excerpt from Dennis Peacocke’s book, On the Destiny of Nations: In a significant section of our population, children are seen as an impediment to freedom and lifestyle choices, so they must be aborted. Historically, they have been seen as the hope for the future, a blessing, and a means…

  • On the Decline and Fall of the American Empire in Philadelphia

    On the Decline and Fall of the American Empire in Philadelphia

    September 2015 As many of you know, at the formative meetings of the Founders of this nation in Philadelphia, a chair was present with a carving on its back of a sun on a horizon. The question at the time was, “Is that sun rising or setting?” George Washington and Benjamin Franklin mused upon that…

  • Getting Back to Square One:  The Problem of Evil

    Getting Back to Square One: The Problem of Evil

    August 2015 Man has struggled for countless centuries with the phenomenon of the “problem of evil.” Where does evil come from and can it be “cured?” Many theories and opinions abound. The ancients blamed animal spirits or evil spirits; even demi-gods sent from capricious Gods. Modern man in his attempt to rationally dispense with ancient…