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Familiarity & Hidden Truths
January 2017 God knows that “familiarity,” until we understand what that is, is a very damaging thing to most relationships. Being “familiar” with someone or something, in the negative sense, means to take it for granted. Negative familiarity makes us devalue people and things, wherein we lose what is special about them and then may…
Will America Ever Be Great Again?
December 2016 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. -Galatians 6:7 As 2016 comes to an end, our nation has been traumatized as we went through a debauched public dialogue of personal insults and personal misdeeds. As demoralizing as it was, it gave us…
THE ELECTION: The Battle for Religious Liberty, Humility, and Real Solutions Beyond Mere Rhetoric
Election Special Edition “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’ “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied. “The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’ “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling…
GoStrategic Newsletter: Fall 2016
2016 Dallas Statesmen Conference This conference exceeded expectations of those attending. It was the first meeting of the Statesmen Project open to the public. The fruit was very evident, both in terms of the quality of the plenaries and the energetic “buy in” for activism that came out of the focus groups. The principles upon…
A Highly Likely Election Prediction & Prophecy
November 2016 I am writing this article prior to the results of the current US presidential election. As critical as this current election is, as atypical as it has been in multiple ways, it is not the “election of elections.” That election is the next one; the 2020 election will definitively set the direction for…
Biblical Sin Speech is Love Speech, Not Hate Speech
October 2016 For whom the LORD loves He reproves, Even as a father corrects the son in whom he delights. —Proverbs 3:12 The world system frequently masks itself in the camouflage of looking like justice and righteousness. The most powerful deception is great counterfeiting. Really effective deception is flooding the market with so much counterfeiting…
Racism & Classism
September 2016 Racism and classism have existed for thousands of years. As manifestations of generic human sin, they are universal and clearly not unique to the United States. As expressions of man’s fallenness, they will likely never be fully expunged from among us. Racism, in particular, has historically been far more grounded in negative ethnic…
Results-Based Reality: Short-Term and Long-Term
August 2016 In many ways, results-based reality is similar to what is commonly called “The Scientific Method” in that ideas are measured for their truth or effectiveness by the consistent results they produce when carefully applied to various situations or applications. The Scriptures, by the way, are the “father” or primary source of this methodology…
GoStrategic Newsletter- Summer 2016
2016 Asia Transforum “Worldview: In Pursuit of Truth” Returning from his recent visit to Singapore for the 2016 Asia Transforum, Dennis Peacocke reflected: It was very clear to me on this trip that Singapore really is the “Switzerland of Asia”; that is, it is an economic hub, and it is politically aligned with democratic…
The Trap: Success Without Failure
July 2016 A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold. —Proverbs 22:1 Today we have a major spiritual lesson about to be engaged right in front of the eyes of the world: Donald Trump and the spiritual law that confronts him. The law is quite…
The Challenge of Our Priestly Mission
June 2016 …and He has made us to be a kingdom, priests to His God and Father—to Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen. —Revelation 1:6 The Scripture above, and others like it (1 Peter 2:9 among them), remind Believers that our assignment on earth is to “do business until I…
GoStrategic Newsletter: Spring 2016
Transforum 2016 in Dallas, Texas Practical Studies for Daniels, Deborahs & Pioneers “Utterly astounding” was Dennis Peacocke’s reaction to Dr. Paul Jehle’s keynote teaching on Daniel. The ability of Scripture and Truth to minister to body, soul, and spirit is one of the most precious realities God creates. The Transforum event gives an excellent opportunity…
Results-Based Reality & the Curse of Medieval Postmodern Thought
May 2016 The so-called “modern world” was based upon secure faith in the power of reason, scientific method (empiricism), and a common ethic of Judeo-Christian values to secure a constant improvement in the condition of humanity. This belief system gave us the Industrial Revolution, capitalism (a constantly growing middle class), public education for the masses,…
Trapped Between Human Need and Personal Kingdom-Building
April 2016 …to equip the saints for the work of ministry… —Ephesians 4:12 All of us who have labored in the church on any level for any length of time are familiar with the partial quote here from Ephesians, Chapter Four. Indeed, Ephesians Four has generated enormous discussion amongst church leaders for the last fifty…
GoStrategic Newsletter: Winter 2016
Florida, USA to Alberta, Canada The Statesmen Project continues to progress in Tampa, Florida with another ecclesia prayer convocation and in Canada with a strategic leadership event centered around principle-based public policy; these two are closely linked, all a part of the Lord’s seamless garment. Informed prayer and informed action are indeed necessary partners. The…
Trump vs. Sanders: Measuring How Divided We Are
March 2016 The very fact that our upcoming presidential election could pit Bernie Sanders against Donald Trump has given us a much-needed measuring stick to attempt to calculate how truly divided this nation really is. My answer is, “beyond imagination.” That such a gap is now beginning to more fully manifest tells us a number…