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  • GoStrategic Newsletter: Spring 2017

    GoStrategic Newsletter: Spring 2017

    Transforum 2017 Finding Common Ground -Bridging the Gap in a Divided Country- Adam Peacocke speaks at Transforum 2017   Are we at the point of another reformation as we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation? Are we at the beginning of a very significant change in Christ’s church that will change the world?…

  • REFORMATION (PART FOUR):  Prophetically Positioning Ourselves for Relevancy and Leverage

    REFORMATION (PART FOUR): Prophetically Positioning Ourselves for Relevancy and Leverage

    April 2017 As noted in our last discussion on the causes and issues surrounding the phenomenon of reformation, a biblical worldview held and practiced by a significant number of citizens and applied to society produces both spiritual renewal and social reformation. Thus, the way we stimulate social conversation and simultaneously share the gospel should be…

  • REFORMATION (PART THREE): Three Historical Obstacles to Further Reformation and the Kingdom’s Release

    REFORMATION (PART THREE): Three Historical Obstacles to Further Reformation and the Kingdom’s Release

    March 2017 Special Edition Square One: Utopian Dogmatics As Satan’s “Heaven on Earth” But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on God’s interests, but man’s.” —Matthew 16:23 This Scripture is far more fascinating than we have time…

  • Jesus Christ: Women’s Liberator Without Equal

    Jesus Christ: Women’s Liberator Without Equal

    Women’s Day Special Edition – March 8, 2017 Originally Published June 1991 Jesus Christ changed women’s lives infinitely more than the women’s lib movement, the “pill,” famous feminists like Molly Yard, and all the so-called “equal rights” legislation that has been or ever will be passed. Jesus never marched for equal rights, He simply died…

  • REFORMATION (PART TWO): Worldview, Utopianism, and Christ in the Public Square

    REFORMATION (PART TWO): Worldview, Utopianism, and Christ in the Public Square

    March 2017 A reformation is a robust enough social event to change the collective worldview of a nation and global culture. It not only alters structures, but transcends to change the way massive numbers of people view life itself and the social contexts created to express their very lives. Put another way, a genuine reformation…

  • REFORMATION (PART ONE): The Sovereignty of God, Disruption, and Unintended Consequences

    REFORMATION (PART ONE): The Sovereignty of God, Disruption, and Unintended Consequences

    February 2017 2017 is the 500th year since what is known in Western history as “The Great Reformation.” In 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the Wittenberg door and figuratively lit a match to the conditions God had arranged to start world changes which have affected every nation today and led to the…

  • GoStrategic Newsletter: Winter 2017

    GoStrategic Newsletter: Winter 2017

    Growing Possibilities in Madagascar By Marc Stettler, Director of BLS Madagascar Rivo from Madagascar and his wife, Morgane from France, were students in the Business Leadership School (BLS) which I led in Switzerland from 2013-15. A wonderful friendship developed, and in the second year, Rivo approached me with a big idea for his BLS Service…

  • Familiarity & Hidden Truths

    Familiarity & Hidden Truths

    January 2017 God knows that “familiarity,” until we understand what that is, is a very damaging thing to most relationships. Being “familiar” with someone or something, in the negative sense, means to take it for granted. Negative familiarity makes us devalue people and things, wherein we lose what is special about them and then may…

  • Will America Ever Be Great Again?

    Will America Ever Be Great Again?

    December 2016 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. -Galatians 6:7 As 2016 comes to an end, our nation has been traumatized as we went through a debauched public dialogue of personal insults and personal misdeeds. As demoralizing as it was, it gave us…

  • THE ELECTION: The Battle for Religious Liberty, Humility, and Real Solutions Beyond Mere Rhetoric

    THE ELECTION: The Battle for Religious Liberty, Humility, and Real Solutions Beyond Mere Rhetoric

    Election Special Edition “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’ “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied. “The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’ “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling…

  • GoStrategic Newsletter: Fall 2016

    GoStrategic Newsletter: Fall 2016

    2016 Dallas Statesmen Conference This conference exceeded expectations of those attending. It was the first meeting of the Statesmen Project open to the public. The fruit was very evident, both in terms of the quality of the plenaries and the energetic “buy in” for activism that came out of the focus groups. The principles upon…

  • A Highly Likely Election Prediction & Prophecy

    A Highly Likely Election Prediction & Prophecy

    November 2016 I am writing this article prior to the results of the current US presidential election. As critical as this current election is, as atypical as it has been in multiple ways, it is not the “election of elections.” That election is the next one; the 2020 election will definitively set the direction for…

  • Biblical Sin Speech is Love Speech, Not Hate Speech

    Biblical Sin Speech is Love Speech, Not Hate Speech

    October 2016 For whom the LORD loves He reproves, Even as a father corrects the son in whom he delights. —Proverbs 3:12 The world system frequently masks itself in the camouflage of looking like justice and righteousness. The most powerful deception is great counterfeiting. Really effective deception is flooding the market with so much counterfeiting…

  • Racism & Classism

    Racism & Classism

    September 2016 Racism and classism have existed for thousands of years. As manifestations of generic human sin, they are universal and clearly not unique to the United States. As expressions of man’s fallenness, they will likely never be fully expunged from among us. Racism, in particular, has historically been far more grounded in negative ethnic…

  • Results-Based Reality: Short-Term and Long-Term

    Results-Based Reality: Short-Term and Long-Term

    August 2016 In many ways, results-based reality is similar to what is commonly called “The Scientific Method” in that ideas are measured for their truth or effectiveness by the consistent results they produce when carefully applied to various situations or applications. The Scriptures, by the way, are the “father” or primary source of this methodology…

  • GoStrategic Newsletter- Summer 2016

    GoStrategic Newsletter- Summer 2016

    2016 Asia Transforum “Worldview: In Pursuit of Truth” Returning from his recent visit to Singapore for the 2016 Asia Transforum, Dennis Peacocke reflected:   It was very clear to me on this trip that Singapore really is the “Switzerland of Asia”; that is, it is an economic hub, and it is politically aligned with democratic…