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  • Measuring our Words

    Measuring our Words

    May 2018 2 For we all stumble in many ways. If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to bridle the whole body as well. 3 Now if we put the bits into the horses’ mouths so that they will obey us, we direct their entire body as well. 4 Look…

  • The Mind Justifies What the Heart Has Chosen

    The Mind Justifies What the Heart Has Chosen

    April 2018 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God… But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot…

  • GoStrategic Newsletter: Winter 2018

    GoStrategic Newsletter: Winter 2018

    Dennis & Jan’s Travel Update: Europe On our recent trip to Europe, we had three visits that were overwhelmingly encouraging for Dennis and me. Dennis shares, “The time over more than twenty years spent in Switzerland teaching worldview and its practical applications to each life is among the most gratifying of our ministry. Seeing the…

  • “Common Sense” Is Not So Common

    “Common Sense” Is Not So Common

    March 2018 Does it ever stop? I mean, the absurdities and brutalities of life that so daily flow and seemingly never abate? This most recent, tragic slaughter of school children will likely be trumped (no pun intended) next week by some other act of absurdity, quickly followed by more equally absurd “remedies” offered by those…

  • President Trump:  The American “Widgetizer”

    President Trump: The American “Widgetizer”

    February 2018 Las Vegas needs to create an odds-wagering opportunity for those of us in society that want to bet on the timing of societal disintegration. After all, if the masses of American sports fans have high-rewards gambling stakes and the high-flying finance guys have a craps game called the “derivatives market,” then I feel…

  • TitleThe Darkest Hour: Behind Us and Ahead of Us

    TitleThe Darkest Hour: Behind Us and Ahead of Us

    January 2018 If you haven’t seen the recently released film, “Darkest Hour,” starring Gary Oldman as Winston Churchill, you really must. It’s a stunning historical portrayal and recreation of a moment when Western civilization hung in the balance as Hitler’s quest for the Thousand-Year Reich came perilously close to becoming a reality. Were it not…

  • Christmas Remains a “Safe Place”

    Christmas Remains a “Safe Place”

    December 2017 In a world where safe places are getting harder and harder to find, Christmas remains a haven from the storm if we will enter into it. “Safe places” can be defined in several ways, but I will describe them this way for our current discussion: A safe place is an activity we engage…

  • Revisiting a Thirty-Year-Old Question: “Have We Crossed the Line?”

    Revisiting a Thirty-Year-Old Question: “Have We Crossed the Line?”

    November 2017 In February 1986, I wrote a Bottom Line commentary entitled, “Have We Crossed the Line?” It dealt with the distinction between sin and evil and how God has presented His feelings on this subject in several ways. The issue I wrestled with three decades ago is even more relevant now. When 9/11 took…

  • Donald Trump and the Art of Controlling Social Conversations

    Donald Trump and the Art of Controlling Social Conversations

    October 2017 Regardless of how one feels about President Trump, he is unquestioningly the absolute master of creating controversy and controlling public dialogue. There are varying opinions about his goals, motives, and even social awareness of how and why he does this. I leave those speculations alone for now. What I will say is this……

  • GoStrategic Newsletter: Fall 2017

    GoStrategic Newsletter: Fall 2017

    2017 Statesmen Event 2017 marked the fourth annual Statesmen Event as leaders assembled again this September in Dallas, Texas. Over these past four years, we have made significant progress in defining our goals, developing our infrastructure, and establishing Focus Groups and their leadership. We are equipping to more completely fulfill the charge in Matthew 28…

  • The Cross, the Crisis, and the Resurrection

    The Cross, the Crisis, and the Resurrection

    September 2017 From that time Jesus began to preach and say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” —Matthew 4:17 Jesus Christ died to usher in a new era of the Kingdom of God upon the earth. God has, from the beginning of creation, always been the Master or King over His creation.…

  • GoStrategic Newsletter: Summer 2017

    GoStrategic Newsletter: Summer 2017

    2017 Asia Transforum The first Transforum in Asia took place in 2014. Since that inaugural event, Asia has seen 270 of their students come through the schools. They began with the Business Leadership School which now has four years under its belt and a total of 206 BLS graduates. Strategic Life Training was subsequently launched…

  • Election Interference: Hypocrisy Unlimited

    Election Interference: Hypocrisy Unlimited

    August 2017 As I have said before, in a fallen world, we have a challenging mishmash of social values, political policies, and national rhetoric to sort through. Scripturally, we have two major governments—the kingdom of man and the Kingdom of God—which coexist as “the wheat and the tares” described in Matthew 13:24-30. Within the kingdom…

  • The Great Reset and The Great Debate: God’s Strategic Genius

    The Great Reset and The Great Debate: God’s Strategic Genius

    July 2017 For some years I have talked about the coming political-economic reckoning I call, “The Great Reset.” As the culture continues to erode, we see widening cracks in our civil foundations slowly manifesting. While increasing numbers of people are sounding alarms, I see nothing of consequence reversing the situation. The reason for that is…

  • Who Will Escort You Home?

    Who Will Escort You Home?

    June 2017 Of David. A psalm. The LORD says to my lord: “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.” -Psalm 110:1 Those who were with my grandfather, Thornton, when he passed some years ago told me a fascinating thing: At the moment of his death, he sat…

  • REFORMATION (PART FIVE): Trying to Reverse Directions

    REFORMATION (PART FIVE): Trying to Reverse Directions

    May 2017 This final commentary, for now, on the issues surrounding reformation may well be the most challenging. I believe that as chaos rolls out over the next decade, a powerful movement will form in response to that chaos and attempt to throw global society into a political-economic “reverse” unlike anything we have seen in…