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  • What God Honors

    What God Honors

    Religion is a construct of the human soul, but true spirituality comes from God and is anchored in honoring what He honors. Every day of our life, we choose whether we will be guided by man’s wisdom or God’s. As basic and simple as this is, it offers us a series of decisions which produce…

  • Capitalism, Socialism, and the Case for Choice-Based Economics

    Capitalism, Socialism, and the Case for Choice-Based Economics

    Capitalism, Socialism, and the Case for Choice-Based Economics by Dennis Peacocke The critiques of capitalism go well back into the nineteenth century. At their core, the best of them are much more about an unequal distribution of wealth than any of the self-evident needs to fine tune the exclusively economic properties of the overall system.…

  • How Do You Bring Spiritual Deliverance to a Nation?

    How Do You Bring Spiritual Deliverance to a Nation?

    ob-ses’sion [ŏb-sěsh-ŭn), n.  1. Act of an evil spirit in besetting a person, or impelling him to action, from without; the fact of being so beset or impelled.  Cf. POSSESSION.  2. Persistent and inescapable preoccupation with an idea or emotion; also, the emotion or idea. —Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary 1959 Perhaps even I should become…

  • Gun Control or Self Control?

    Gun Control or Self Control?

    The rapidity of senseless mass murders continues to provoke the debate concerning gun control violence within our culture and the idea of preempting these events with such things as the “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign. Without question, gun-control laws and societal awareness play a significant role in this evil phenomenon within our culture.…

  • Free at Last: One Blood and One Race

    Free at Last: One Blood and One Race

    PREFACE: As a number of you know, I was very involved in the civil rights movement in Berkeley in the 1960s, and I have remained deeply concerned about race issues. In our work in THE STATESMEN PROJECT, we have just added to our Public Policy Focus Group a subgroup called, “Equality and Wealth Creation.” In…

  • The Disciplines of Character

    The Disciplines of Character

    The world system operates under the assumption that to bring change to a situation or person, that change must come from the outside-in (external to internal) and the top-down (centralized to local). Even though virtually all evidence is to the contrary, modern secular culture stubbornly persists in this nonsense. As students of the Scriptures, we…

  • The Great Divide: The Abortion Debate on Steroids

    The Great Divide: The Abortion Debate on Steroids

    June 2019 As many of you know, both cats and I have had nine lives. Back in my days at UC Berkeley, radicalized by the Civil Rights Movement, the Vietnam War, and the Realpolitik the general public seldom hears about, I was enthralled by Karl Marx’s early philosophical manuscripts. They were utopian, insightful, and very…

  • Echoes from The Left: The Scary Thing About “Truth”

    Echoes from The Left: The Scary Thing About “Truth”

    May 2019 As many of you know, both cats and I have had nine lives. Back in my days at UC Berkeley, radicalized by the Civil Rights Movement, the Vietnam War, and the Realpolitik the general public seldom hears about, I was enthralled by Karl Marx’s early philosophical manuscripts. They were utopian, insightful, and very…

  • GoStrategic Newsletter: Spring 2019

    GoStrategic Newsletter: Spring 2019

    Transforum 2019: Our Identity as Kings & Priests in a Secular World The priesthood of the believer and the practice of prayer have laid a strong foundation for this current move of the Kingdom of God. The Bible makes clear that in His Kingdom, we are to function as both priests and kings (Revelation 1:6).…

  • Offense & Defense

    Offense & Defense

    April 2019 “Be Careful What You Pray For.” —The Wisdom of God Few things are more grievous than discovering something you’ve worked on for God ended up advancing Satan’s work instead, at least in the short run. The Apostle Paul reminds us that “God causes all things to work together for good” (Romans 8:28), but…

  • Kings & Priests: Reformation, Here We Come

    Kings & Priests: Reformation, Here We Come

    March 2019 You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; and they will reign upon the earth. —Revelation 5:10 So He said, “A nobleman went to a distant country to receive a kingdom for himself, and then return. And he called ten of his slaves, and gave them ten minas…

  • A Critical Root of Our Current Problem: Cultural Christianity

    A Critical Root of Our Current Problem: Cultural Christianity

    February 2019 Western society, identified by the icons of capitalism, democracy, and the fading social momentum of historic Judeo-Christian values, is fighting for its public life. True Christianity remains guarded in the hearts of God’s people, but public Christianity is under siege and equivocating in its response. It has yet to resolve the question, “Whose…

  • More Pain in The Short Run: A Good Report

    More Pain in The Short Run: A Good Report

    January 2019 A “good report” is not so much news that makes us feel good about something; it is a report that is accurate, true, framed in proper context, and helps us respond properly. Like all of you, I emotionally like good reports more than “bad reports,” but over the years I have tried to…

  • GoStrategic Newsletter: Winter 2018

    GoStrategic Newsletter: Winter 2018

    Report from South Africa, Madagascar & Réunion Island By Bruce Billington, International Schools Relational Director I arrived in Pretoria, South Africa for a 5-day stay. I was hosted by Francis and Mariell Adja and their children, a beautiful family who have recently moved to Pretoria from Madagascar and are graduates of the School of Business…

  • A Jerusalem Report

    A Jerusalem Report

    December 2018 I have closed off a very busy year of travel with my first visit to Israel, which seems hardly possible with so many trips all over the world. That said, the timing of going there now seemed present for me. Like those of you who may have never gone, I was profoundly curious,…