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  • Principle Five: The Division of Labor

    Principle Five: The Division of Labor

    For just as the body is one and yet has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to…

  • Principle Four: Service-Based Power

    Principle Four: Service-Based Power

    For a Child will be born to us, a Son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace. On the throne…

  • Principle Three: Reciprocity

    Principle Three: Reciprocity

    As we go through the Twelve Master Principles together, we will see two things about them: First, they are all connected to each other in interesting ways, and second, they are all connected to a counterpoint-balancing reality. The balancing point between the principle of Choice and the principle of Reciprocity is an excellent example of…

  • Principle Two: Choice

    Principle Two: Choice

    The second of our Twelve Master Principles is about active choice, the foundation of all true freedom. It is counterbalanced by the principle of reciprocity (the subject of next month’s discussion) which measures choice by its effect on others. Together, choice and reciprocity give us appropriate freedom within the context of “loving your neighbor as…

  • GoStrategic Newsletter: Winter 2021

    GoStrategic Newsletter: Winter 2021

    Discipling Nations in Brazil Brazil is a country blessed not only with natural wonders, from Iguazú Falls to the Amazon Basin, but a growing spiritual momentum as well. It is home to the largest population of Portuguese speakers globally and boasts being the second largest sender of missionaries in the world today. Our team leader…

  • Principle One: Transcendence

    Principle One: Transcendence

    The first of our Twelve Master Principles is Transcendence or “ultimate issues.” This principle comprehensively requires that any activity we are seriously investing life into must be carefully able to answer the following questions: What are the ultimate and most important values, outcomes, and strategic investments connected to this endeavor? Exactly, what are we doing…

  • “And It Came to Pass”

    “And It Came to Pass”

    Over the years, I have heard several preach on the above phrase, which is written hundreds of times throughout the Bible. Usually these sermons were shared in the context of events running their course to the end. We are reminded that tough situations in life come and go, and we should extend patience to that…

  • Clint Eastwood Was Right All Along

    Clint Eastwood Was Right All Along

    “A man’s gotta know his limitations.” —Clint Eastwood as Harry Callahan in Magnum Force (1973) The above quote from the iconic Mr. Eastwood applies to literally dozens of situations, people, and events we are currently dealing with in this month of elections. I dare not start the obvious list because, after several consecutive months of…

  • Identity Politics: An Ultimate Deception

    Identity Politics: An Ultimate Deception

    I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. —John 17:23 The word “radical” derives from the Latin, radix. At its etymological center is the concept of being centered and…

  • Scripture In the Culture: How Long, How Deep?

    Scripture In the Culture: How Long, How Deep?

    The freedom, prosperity, and quality of life of a nation can easily and most accurately be assessed by answering one question: How long have the Scriptures been seriously studied by leaders in the culture, and how much have the Scriptures penetrated their legal systems? I could stop this essay right here and say, “End of…

  • The George Floyd Moment

    The George Floyd Moment

    For a brief period of time, the people of the United States of America were essentially united concerning the black-white racial issues that so endanger our future as a nation. Captured by a video that left no room for alternative points of view, universally the phrase, “I can’t breathe,” decisively penetrated tens of millions of…

  • Where Are the Kingly Priests?

    Where Are the Kingly Priests?

    Yes, it is He who will build the temple of the Lord, and He who will bear the honor and sit and rule on His throne. Thus, He will be a priest on His throne, and the counsel of peace will be between the two offices. —Zechariah 6:13 This well-known Scripture from the book of…

  • GoStrategic Newsletter: Summer 2020

    GoStrategic Newsletter: Summer 2020

    Ministry Partner Highlight: Gerald R. Chester, PhD Dr. Gerald Chester is profoundly aware of the principles of God’s Kingdom as they are applied in the realm of business, personal discipleship, and spiritual maturity in general. He is our senior GoBusiness Facilitator and a highly valued source of counsel both for me personally and for training…

  • Eight Minutes and Forty-Six Seconds

    Eight Minutes and Forty-Six Seconds

    Eight minutes and forty-six seconds—that is the amount of time George Floyd had as a last reprieve to stay in this world. The murderer was told that George had no pulse and he could get up and get his knee off the carotid artery in Floyd’s neck. But he did not. Why? Because he did…

  • Has Capitalism Made You an Evil Person?

    Has Capitalism Made You an Evil Person?

    “We are what we are willing to participate in.” If the above quote is true, then what we give ourselves to largely defines us. If capitalism really is a kind of economic social disease, as many of its critics maintain, then all of Western civilization is fatally stained by this corrupt, abusive network of economic…

  • The Insidious Nature of Misdirection During Times of Societal Turbulence

    The Insidious Nature of Misdirection During Times of Societal Turbulence

    Randall Hobson owns and operates a small business that has served the manufacturing sector with material handling solutions since 1986. As a businessman, husband and father, he has sought to progressively comprehend and implement the ways of the Kingdom of God throughout the fabric of his life. He has been a student of the School…