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  • Core Message Highlight: Problem Solving

    Core Message Highlight: Problem Solving

    “Power is guarded by problems” is a well-known catechism for those familiar with the ministry of GoStrategic. This simple phrase is a helpful mantra as we engage the inevitable challenges of life, both big and small. The world’s approach to problems is often avoidance and “How do we get out of this?” versus God’s perspective of…

  • GoStrategic Newsletter: Summer 2022

    GoStrategic Newsletter: Summer 2022

    Highlighting Our Translators Around the World GoStrategic is blessed to work with numerous language translators in our mission to spread the message of the Kingdom around the globe. These partners carry the very important role of transferring the spirit and meaning of our materials into the context of other languages and cultures. We currently have…

  • Where Will You Draw the Line?

    Where Will You Draw the Line?

    A coalescing of political, economic, medical, and spiritual forces has given our world a historic epoch yet to be defined. I foresaw this phenomenon (minus the COVID crisis) and wrote about it ten years ago in my book, On the Destiny of Nations. I referred to it as the “Great Reset” that would accompany a…

  • Is Western Civilization Worth Saving?

    Is Western Civilization Worth Saving?

    When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do? —Psalm 11:3 Thirty-seven years ago, I wrote my first book, Winning the Battle for the Minds of Men, to assure Christians that we could and would block the attacks coming against the church through the proper application of God’s principles. I wanted to turn…

  • GoStrategic Newsletter: Winter 2022

    GoStrategic Newsletter: Winter 2022

    School of Kingdom Citizenship For over four decades, GoStrategic has been committed to globally informing people of an approaching political-economic values crisis that will shake the nations, usher in a fresh revelation of the Kingdom of God, and ignite transformation within the church. We call this crisis, the “Great Reset,” as discussed in Dennis Peacocke’s book, On the…

  • Abortion: What Does It Mean to Be Alive?

    Abortion: What Does It Mean to Be Alive?

    Abortion: What Does It Mean to Be Alive? For in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, “For we also are His descendants.” —Acts 17:28 As a nation, the US remains divided over the issues surrounding abortion. There are massive amounts of literature and commentary on…

  • Principle Twelve: The Bridge of Trust

    Principle Twelve: The Bridge of Trust

    The last of our Twelve Master Principles is the Bridge of Trust. Next to Master Principle #1: Transcendence, it is perhaps the most important of the twelve. Ultimately, all human interaction is mediated across the “bridge of trust” that exists between people. Obviously, the greater the trust, the stronger the bridge. The stronger the bridge,…

  • Principle Eleven: Results-Based Reality

    Principle Eleven: Results-Based Reality

    In many ways, results-based reality is similar to what is commonly called, the “scientific method,” in that ideas are measured for their truth or effectiveness by the consistent results they produce when carefully applied to various situations or applications. The Scriptures, by the way, are the “father” or primary source of this methodology of truth…

  • GoStrategic Newsletter: Fall 2021

    GoStrategic Newsletter: Fall 2021

    Transforum 2021 The Transforum 2021 Event, September 23-25 in Dallas, Texas, was an incredible time of fellowship, teaching, and activation. The underlying theme of applied worldview, transformation, and the importance of community permeated the gathering. The diverse slate of keynote speakers addressed the broader topics with expert insight while the breakout workshops and Making It Real presentations brought practical…

  • Principle Ten: Justice-Equality

    Principle Ten: Justice-Equality

    This month’s Bottom Line is an excerpt from Dennis Peacocke’s contribution to Uli Kortsch’s book, The Next Money Crash and a Reconstruction Blueprint, available now on Amazon.  Humanity’s cry for justice and equality has been historic in virtually every people group. The establishment of social customs and laws everywhere attests to this reality. The challenges associated with…

  • Principle Nine: Limits

    Principle Nine: Limits

    The principle of limits cannot be overemphasized as an essential guide for successful living, both personally and socially. Limits protect us from destructive thoughts and actions. Properly applied, they spur us on to new levels of maturation and the excitement of challenge and change. The concept of limits is extraordinary because it carries opposite meanings…

  • Principle Eight: Localism–Centralization

    Principle Eight: Localism–Centralization

    As noted with Principle Three: Reciprocity of our series on the Twelve Master Principles, many major principles are counterbalanced by an opposite principle. The intertwined examination of the equal-opposite relationship between localism and centralization is one such reality. Human relations tend towards intense, close relationships and, conversely, the constant pull of merging these relationships with…

  • Principle Seven: Jurisdictional Government

    Principle Seven: Jurisdictional Government

    The Bible has not been written as a textbook. Even though it is full of principles, truths, their numerous applications, and the history of people, cultures, and events spanning thousands of years, it is written as a story with multiple plots. Yet there is one major theme that stands out: Our Creator wants to connect…

  • Fauci, Masks, and My Brave New Plane Ride

    Fauci, Masks, and My Brave New Plane Ride

    June 2021 – Special Edition Recently, I took my first airplane trip in sixteen months. I have usually flown between 70,000 to 115,000 miles per year since 1978. Needless to say, staying home this much has been a wonderfully strange but much needed time. Of course, getting on the airplane with masked people who clearly…

  • GoStrategic Newsletter: Summer 2021

    GoStrategic Newsletter: Summer 2021

    Ministry Partner Highlight:Jonathan Shibley & Global Advance It is no surprise to find a harmonious connection between two ministries who both use the word “igniting” in their tagline. As you may be familiar, GoStrategic has a stated focus of Igniting Personal & Social Transformation. If you visit the website of the longstanding ministry of Global…

  • Principle Six: The Separation of Powers

    Principle Six: The Separation of Powers

    As we addressed in our April issue of The Bottom Line and study of the Twelve Master Principles, Principle Four: Service-Based Power is the conduit through which “love makes the exercise of power safe” because empowering others becomes one’s goal. Since government is the structure through which power is primarily exercised, this principle of love…