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  • Private Property

    Private Property

    “Private Property” The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him in order that we may also be glorified with Him. —Romans 8:16-17 Private property is certified by God as an…

  • Change the Family, Change the World

    Change the Family, Change the World

    “Change the Family, Change the World” And the LORD said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do, since Abraham will surely become a great and mighty nation, and in him all the nations of the earth will be blessed? For I have chosen him, in order that he may command his…

  • The Importance of Multi-Generational Thinking

    The Importance of Multi-Generational Thinking

    “The Importance of Multi-Generational Thinking” Generational thinking or momentum begins with the health and vision of the parents’ hearts. Do they love their children enough to train them to succeed in life, or is that too much trouble? If they haven’t been trained by their own parents on how to do so, they need the…

  • The Freedom in Limits

    The Freedom in Limits

    “The Freedom in Limits” Since the Garden of Eden, mankind has been dealing with the issue of limits. Adam and Eve believed Satan’s lie that God had established limits on their freedom out of fear for His own position of power and authority. Nothing could have been further from the truth as Christ’s death on…

  • Discovering Our Divine Labor and True Success

    Discovering Our Divine Labor and True Success

    “Discovering Our Divine Labor and True Success” Labor is the process through which I reveal my internal reality to the external world. My labor reflects and reveals my character, disciplines, views of excellence, commitment to service, and my active grasp of my God-ordained gifts and passions. I have maintained for decades that “God pays for…

  • On the Issue of Sustainable Prosperity

    On the Issue of Sustainable Prosperity

    “On the Issue of Sustainable Prosperity” It is my desire to see economic prosperity touch the greatest number of people possible based on values that neither corrupt them nor hinder the same opportunities for others or future generations. Biblical prosperity is both spiritual and material, and any definition of prosperity that addresses one without the…

  • GoStrategic Newsletter: Third Quarter 2024

    GoStrategic Newsletter: Third Quarter 2024

    Generational Momentum What does it mean to have generational momentum? Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines momentum as: strength or force gained by motion or by a series of events. In spiritual terms, generational momentum is seen through the intentional sowing (a series of events) by parents into their children. Parents and grandparents have the opportunity to pass down their spiritual DNA, enabling…

  • The Source of Man’s Rights

    The Source of Man’s Rights

    “The Source of Man’s Rights” Freedom is living in obedience to God’s laws. Disobedience brings confusion, unreality, poverty, and imprisonment. While man can take certain freedoms from his fellow man, he cannot make other men free. Freedom is something each man and woman must secure, by God’s help, for himself. Each generation must decide for…

  • Untying the Custodian

    Untying the Custodian

    “Untying the Custodian” God’s Word has the answers for all of man’s problems. Jesus didn’t just say that those in the Church should live by every word from God, but that man, meaning every single human being, can only live successfully by God’s word (Matthew 4:4). God’s Word is the door to blessing and liberty. The key…

  • Core Message: Strategic Thinking

    Core Message: Strategic Thinking

    As disciples of Christ, we believe we are called to think and live strategically. This is because the God we serve lives and works strategically. The closer we are to Him and how He thinks, the more strategic and focused we become. God thinks from the end to the beginning and from the macro to…

  • What is Truth?

    What is Truth?

    This edition of The Bottom Line features an excerpt from the Worldview handbook by Katherine Gallagher, based on the teachings of Dennis Peacocke.Katherine Gallagher serves as the Executive Director of GoStrategic. She is a former small-business owner who works with several local non-profits as a consultant and advisor. She is also an author and has made numerous radio, podcast, and…

  • Worldview and Relationship

    Worldview and Relationship

    This edition of The Bottom Line features an excerpt from the Worldview handbook by Katherine Gallagher, based on the teachings of Dennis Peacocke.Katherine Gallagher serves as the Executive Director of GoStrategic. She is a former small-business owner who works with several local non-profits as a consultant and advisor. She is also an author and has made numerous radio, podcast, and…

  • Our God Loves to Work

    Our God Loves to Work

    “Our God Loves to Work” Work is not part of the curse. It preceded sin and the fall of man, and Jesus taught that work is eternal. Heaven is no retirement village in the sky; it is where God’s work will be done more efficiently because sin is gone. Like removing sand from the gears…

  • GoStrategic Newsletter: Second Quarter 2024

    GoStrategic Newsletter: Second Quarter 2024

    GoStrategic Newsletter: Second Quarter 2024 Madagascar & South Africa Travel Report Madagascar, the world’s fourth-largest island, is renowned for its breathtaking ecological biodiversity and diverse colonial heritage. Yet, within its borders lies a struggle against corruption and deeply entrenched cultural paradigms. Our Malagasy GoBusiness graduates are among those endeavoring to bring about essential change in their…

  • Wealth and the Family Unit

    Wealth and the Family Unit

    “Wealth and the Family Unit” God is a “Family Man.” He works through the family and is connected to the structure of the family. We are born again into relationship with Him as our Father and with fellow Christians as brothers and sisters who are being appren­ticed into co-running the family business. This apprenticeship is…

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