(707) 578-7700



  • 10-3-1 Vision

    10-3-1 Vision


  • Your funds at work

    Your funds at work


  • Integrity in Sales: You are the Company, You are the Product

    Integrity in Sales: You are the Company, You are the Product

    by Dennis Peacocke Integrity is perhaps our highest and most valuable human commodity. When we possess it, it can open many doors and keep them open. When we’ve lost it or don’t possess it as a known character quality, few people want to associate with us. Even criminals have strong codes by which they measure…

  • Small Group Life

    Small Group Life


  • “Strategic Time with God: the Most Important Thing”

    “Strategic Time with God: the Most Important Thing”

    by Dennis Peacocke As any competent, professional motivational speaker or personal executive coach knows, the most difficult thing is to find the key in someone that turns an individual from mere mental understanding to actually changing the way they think and behave. The conceptual is indeed Square One. However, many times, Square Two-genuine action- seldom…

  • The Pearl of SLT

    The Pearl of SLT


  • Strategic Planning:  The Key to Building Successful Relationships, Organizations,  and Capital Creation

    Strategic Planning: The Key to Building Successful Relationships, Organizations, and Capital Creation

    by Dennis Peacocke Every successful leader of any organization, let alone a successful business, knows that strategic planning is the key. If leaders simply “let things happen” in a fallen world, two things will happen: 1) chaos will “happen” and 2) they won’t be leaders for long. Strategic planning is the applied skill that allows…

  • SCS in Latin America

    SCS in Latin America


  • Some of the Economic Consequences of Dualism, Futurism, and Evangelicalism

    Some of the Economic Consequences of Dualism, Futurism, and Evangelicalism

    by Dennis Peacocke Broadly speaking, I am an American “Evangelical,” if by the meaning of this word we denote a Christian who believes in being born of God’s Spirit and who holds both a high view of scripture and an internal need to share our faith in Christ. Unfortunately, “Evangelicalism” in America carries with it,…

  • Studies on the Master Principles of Transforming People and Organizations

    Studies on the Master Principles of Transforming People and Organizations

    by Dennis Peacocke In a fallen world, how to achieve biblical and lasting transformation is the only real question for those who aspire to be Christ’s disciples. Put another way, leading people and building organizations God’s way is what all Christian leaders should aspire to do. Once one sees this, studying and walking out God’s…

  • Do You Study Biblical Economics  from a “Whole Bible?”

    Do You Study Biblical Economics from a “Whole Bible?”

    by Dennis Peacocke We Christians are a strange lot. Frequently, we say we believe one thing but live out our lives quite differently. While hypocrisy is one thing, “spiritual blind-spots” are another. Problematic as hypocrisy is, it is not my concern in this article; rather, I am concerned with our “blind spots.” A blind spot…

  • Co-Managing the Earth: The Foundational Work  of the Christian Marketplace Ministry

    Co-Managing the Earth: The Foundational Work of the Christian Marketplace Ministry

    by Dennis Peacocke “Do business until I come…”  Luke 19:13 We are now standing at the foundation-laying stage of one of the most significant Christian movements of church history, the advocacy of a Christian values-based economy. How we work with God’s Spirit in helping to lay that foundation will have potentially enormous effects on the…

  • Change the Family, Change the World

    Change the Family, Change the World

    by Dennis Peacocke …since Abraham will surely become a great and mighty nation, and in him all the nations of the earth will be blessed? For I have chosen him, in order that he may command his children And his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice;…

  • Preparing for Tough Times with Three Tough Questions

    Preparing for Tough Times with Three Tough Questions

    by Dennis Peacocke Ultimately, managing our “business” is about managing ourselves, whether or not we actually own or oversee our place of employment. As we have all been told before, true freedom begins in godly self-government. While we cannot control many factors in life and in our external environment, we can control our reactions to…

  • Towards Understanding the Current Crisis in the Western World

    Towards Understanding the Current Crisis in the Western World

    by Dennis Peacocke The current war in Iraq is part of a much, much larger “culture war” not being reported. The fracturing of the international community and the internal divisions it is causing within nations is symptomatic of the deeper war that is really going on. What follows is a brief overview of the three…

  • “The Christian Business”: If It Exists, What Does It Look Like?

    “The Christian Business”: If It Exists, What Does It Look Like?

    by Dennis Peacocke Virtually every believer called to the marketplace desires to work in, help manage, or build a business enterprise honoring Christ. Many have called this idea, working with or building a “Christian business.” That, of course, raises the question of exactly what a Christian business is, and if it exists, what does it…