At various points in our lives, we can experience particular moments or events that are pivotal for us as we pursue Christ. The Strategic Life Training (SLT) Intensive which took place on October 11-13, 2012 in Lawrence, Kansas, was such a time for many.
According to Pastor Jonathan McDermott, “We were thrilled by what God accomplished through the SLT Intensive in Kansas. More than 100 people attended, including a great representation from our churches here that are focused on reaching the next generation (especially among those on the university campus), equipping them, and sending out leaders into every area of society. Those who came were blown away by the messages brought by Don Walker, Lores Glover, and Dennis Peacocke. Many of them were challenged to think at a higher level and train intentionally to carry out their calling to be a part of God’s purposes today. More than 60 new students from Kansas are now beginning Strategic Life Training. We expect God to use both the Intensive and their ongoing involvement in the SLT course to make a huge difference in their lives and in the world around them for years to come.”
Destiny Poole is one of those new students. She shares, “The world we live in projects so many ideas of what success is, how a person goes about making an impact, and what that result should look like. Some of those ideas really contaminated my own faith. I was so focused on what I had been doing that I had forgotten, and even lost hope in, who I knew God called me to be. The reality is that success is being engaged in the good works God established for us before He established the world. Before we can effectively be engaged, we have to be effectively trained… and I understood that in a new, deeper way because of the SLT Intensive. The Intensive was so illuminating, and I’m really anticipating training season with SLT.”
Dennis Peacocke was also energized by the Intensive: “Not having shared with college students in some time, I had forgotten the energy, life, and enthusiasm young people have when they hear the message of the Kingdom as it calls out to their own personal destinies. This recent SLT event convinces me once again of the necessity of doing all we can to touch the next generation with the life and depth that is in the SLT materials as a bridge into their adult lives.”
The Kansas group of students add to our existing group of SLT students who began the course in May. Both are utilizing the revamped SLT100 curriculum which includes a newly formatted student workbook, enhanced audio teaching, a new book, and additional online components. An international committee is currently revamping the SLT200 curriculum. We are constantly working to keep the course current and relevant in its content and presentation while maintaining the eternal truths and principles at its heart. It is also customized to each language and nation as they add particular items to the curriculum that are relevant to the cultures studying them.
Rob Z. summarizes the impact of SLT with this statement: “Prior to the SLT Intensive, my life was in my hands. Christ was in my life, but by no means was He the core of who I was. When Dennis spoke on Friday, I made the decision to fully commit myself to a future directed and controlled by Christ, living intentionally to fulfill the purpose for which God has given me.”