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GoStrategic Newsletter: Summer 2015



The Summer 2015 Asia Intensive was recently held in Singapore. School Director, Dorcas Li, remarked, “At the graduation dinner, two students, Chen Yu and Miranda, shared their experience of walking through BLS in the past two years. All agreed that the course is life changing and even though it was hard work, they have no regrets for attending the course. In fact, they desire for the journey not to end which is why both will be facilitating a group in 2015-16.”

The Business Leadership School started in Asia last year with 56 students in BLS100 (the first-year course) and 21 students in BLS200 (the second-year course). Almost all the BLS100 students from the 2014-15 academic year will be progressing into BLS200. Unfortunately, the four students from Indonesia had to stop due to a change in government regulations. Your prayers for another opportunity for Indonesia are much appreciated. All 21 students from BLS200 became graduates this year. Sixteen will continue as Facilitators in the 2015-16 academic year. This is very good news!



In addition to providing training for BLS, the Intensive also kicked off the launch of Strategic Life Training in Asia with nine students in SLT100, many of whom will be preparing to be inaugural SLT Facilitators in Singapore upon their graduation. They were given special care in their workshops from International Directors, David and Natalie Holmyard (who are currently establishing SLT and BLS in Australia). Natalie will be the mentor of this year’s SLT100 class alongside U.S. SLT Director of Facilitation, Faith Negvesky.

Having trained Facilitators is the key to growth in the schools. Jesus told us that “the Harvest is ripe but the laborers are few.” Facilitators help train the Lord’s workers in understanding the application of principles to individual lives and in the equipping of the ministry work to which they are called. To be a Facilitator, the desire for personal growth and the willingness to invest of your time, heart, and understanding for the benefit of the brethren in your group is key. As we train for any job, sport, or craft, so also must Facilitators invest and prepare for the work of the King.



This summer Intensive was a truly international school event with teachers from the US, New Zealand, and Australia working alongside Facilitators and students from Singapore, Hong Kong, and Jakarta. Workshops were divided into three concurrent tracks with focuses on BLS, SLT, and Facilitator School training. During the course year, this Asian group utilizes remote facilitation using technology to bridge the variety of geographical locations of the participants and language grouping ties them together.

Next year, Dennis Peacocke will be speaking at the event as the Lord continues to add new areas by both “filling in” and “opening up” in the geography of the world. It is wonderful to be a part of Christ’s equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry in their own nations.

For more information on BLS and SLT in Asia, please visit:


Translation Project Update from Katherine Gallagher

“The BLS100 (first year of the business school) translation into Portuguese was recently completed, bringing us one step closer to the Business School starting in Brazil. Several students from Brazil graduated from the U.S. school and are prepared to begin to mentor within their own country. The Citizen Education 101 course is also being translated in Spanish to allow for growth within Mexico and Central America. We are grateful for a partnership with several ministries to make this happen.”



A Note from Jan Peacocke

Righteousness and justice are the habitation of his throne. -Psalm 97:2

“Recently, Dennis and I went to a large leadership gathering that was tied to a conference on the civic future of the United States. It was a joy to find that its underlying theme was justice. After all, His throne is built on justice and righteousness. That makes ‘justice’ a very biblical term. The thing that blessed me most was how the issues were presented to speak to the righteousness of God being portrayed, rather than the “rights” of individuals being established. One is based on humankind and its power structures while the other is grounded in the commandment that is like unto the greatest commandment, love your neighbor as yourself. This means not only righteousness now, but into eternity. As Christians actively seeking to love our neighbors as ourselves, ‘Justice’ is going to be an increasing concern for us. We need to seek God for a definitive understanding of justice and its application through us. This will be a place of joy.”



Prayer & Events Calendar

Thank you for your faithful prayer and support!

DisciplineNotDesireSeptember 10-12, 2015
SLT Intensive
Darrow L. Miller & Other Speakers
Lawrence, Kansas

Unity Forum

Dennis Peacocke & Other Speakers
Bern, Switzerland

Transforum with BLS & SLT Intensives

Dallas, TX
