Dennis Peacocke opened the 2015 Transforum with two teachings on Transcendent Values. He focused on 10 biblical values that are axioms and the real life corollaries they are to govern. This was to give the knowledge from which understanding grows and the ability to make righteous judgments in life decisions. Four additional plenary sessions drove home the matter before Dennis’ closing session.
Gerald Chester took it down to the daily basics looking to Scripture to define humility and wisdom. Having acquired his PhD in physics by study of an attribute of light, he applied his knowledge to developing two instruments of measurement, one the “Wise-O-Meter” which allowed us to evaluate ourselves regarding wisdom from above vs. below; the second assessment was administered via the similarly-themed “Mammon-O-Meter.”
Next, Paul Jehle gave a very deep teaching on the subject of reasoning as a human faculty and relating to those who do not share our values. It challenged us to grow in humility and goodwill towards our neighbors. Indeed, who we are in Christ is the foundation out from which all our actions flow.
After establishing the truth that God loves this world and the people in it, Jayde Duncan emphasized that where God’s Kingdom comes, things change. Transformation begins with the individual but is always global in its potential. Only sons and daughters can bring the Kingdom. He encouraged our schools to focus on producing sons and daughters of the Kingdom so that out of the Business Leadership School and Strategic Life Training, numbers of “elders in the gates” would emerge, reinforcing the goals that the schools have carried for decades.
In a seamless flow of the Holy Spirit, Adam Peacocke spoke next and shared, “God is looking to do more than instruct us in reaching our communities. He is enlisting us by His Spirit. It is only through having our hearts truly joined to our community that we will have the perseverance to break through to true transformation where God has called us.”
Participants had the opportunity to process the teachings as they met in discussion groups. Traditionally, these have been organized between the two schools, but are now joined by the two-year-old Statesman Project which divided into three focus groups: Ecclesia Prayer, Community Transformation, and Citizen Education.
This year’s workshops were particularly strong in content and testimony, often ending with lively discussion flowing into the breaks. The time between sessions was rich in connectivity to say the least!! Even the weather cooperated allowing for outdoor dining, walking to sites beyond the venue, and a general appreciation of the beauty God puts into springtime each year.
There were attendees from nine nations on five continents: North and South America, Australia, Asia and Europe. One of our school groups which initiated in an English-speaking church in Aix-en-Provence, France, reunited for their graduation at the Transforum with the Aix pastor and his wife now coming from North Carolina, Facilitators David & Natalie Holmyard now coming from Australia (who also serve as our Regional Directors for Australasia), others from Australia, some from France, and another from England. Life-filled testimonies and teachings that imparted both knowledge and wisdom met with expanding circles of fellowship at this year’s Transforum. From it, there is a “promise” of much fruit.
Audio recordings of the 2015 Transforum titled, “Transcendent Principles,” are available on CD and MP3 at
Thank you for your faithful prayer and support!
May 21-23, 2015
Discipling Nations Seminar
Calgary Canada
June 15-16, 2015
U.S. Coalition of Apostles Ministries
San Diego, CA
September 17-19, 2015
SLT Intensive
Lawrence, Kansas
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