October 2015
The following is an excerpt from Dennis Peacocke’s book, On the Destiny of Nations:
In a significant section of our population, children are seen as an impediment to freedom and lifestyle choices, so they must be aborted. Historically, they have been seen as the hope for the future, a blessing, and a means of perpetuating our own lives across time. That is surely how the Scriptures see them as do those who are practicing economic momentum in their families now.
The United States has aborted somewhere between 50 and 60 million children over the last forty years depending on whose figures you believe. Currently the figures are about 1.2 million per year. (1) Approximately 13 million of them were African Americans, which represents a number nearly 2.5 times the total number of deaths caused in this community over the same period of time for all other deaths caused by AIDS, cancer, accidents, heart disease, and violent crime combined. (2) Clearly, Planned Parenthood, the organization formed by its racist white founder has done a good job of fulfilling its original purposes. Congratulations, Margret Sanger. I am sure hell is clapping.
Let us break down what these kinds of numbers really mean from an economic perspective. Let us assume a mid-range number of total abortions to be 55 million. To put this number in perspective, this is the equivalent of killing nearly all the current population of Great Britain and not that far from killing most of France. It is far more than all who died globally in World War II and nearly ten times more than all our casualties in the Vietnam War. It is more than 110 times all the people who went to Woodstock, for those of you who may have done so. We abort more than ten of our largest football stadiums (100,000) full of babies every year.
Let us assume that the ones aborted from 1973 to 1983 are now 29 to 39 years old. How many of these multiple millions would have had children by now? I would say at least half of them would have one or more children based on current numbers. The ones aborted between 1983 and 1993 would now be 18 to 28 years old. Many of them would have been married. The ones born from 1994 until now would be 17 or younger. They would be happily in school for the most part or at least about to enter school.
Assuming 1.3 million abortions for the earlier years, to be conservative, since the numbers grew quickly and peaked some years ago, the first group of 29 to 39 would number about 13 million and would have worked for a number of years, paying taxes of course. The next group takes up about 30 million total (these were the heaviest years of abortion), and most of them would be employed and paying taxes. So how much tax revenue have we lost from these 30 million workers over the various tenures of their employment? Hundreds of millions for sure.
Let’s go in another direction. How many doctors and professionals were in this group? How many additional houses do we need for these 55 million people? How about teachers and schools? How many pants, shirts, skirts, and blouses do 50 million people need every year? We have surely hundreds of millions of shoes and socks. Try adding your items to the list and think about how many millions of this or that our economy lost in terms of production, jobs, local tax revenues, and the like.
How many workers from these 55 million would have been gainfully employed over the next 50 or so years to help pay for the retirement benefits and health care needs of the parents who aborted them? When Social Security was inaugurated in the United States in the 1930s, the ratio of workers to retirees was about 37:1. Now, after these abortions, it is nearing seven or eight to one and some say it is going down to less than five to one. Folks, we are talking about having removed nearly one fifth of our entire population of 300 million people. Just think of all the so-called economic multiplier effects of economic activity they would currently be generating if we were, in fact, the 350 million strong we would be, with them here.
I do not have the heart to further address the complications these abortions have brought to us. The human and economic consequences of it all are too much to take in. And that is… THE BOTTOM LINE.
(1) Lynn Vincent, “Black Genocide,” World Magazine, January 17, 2009, 36.
(2) Ibid